Villain #8 – the ‘Invisible Man’

Back in July 2017 I was asked to provide a forecast at the CEC’s Clean Energy Summit in Sydney … and I did so (but perhaps not quite what they were thinking when they asked me to speak?!).


(A)  Gaining a sense of the future of the NEM

Following that presentation we’ve continued to explore what actual historical data is teaching us about what’s coming down the track as the energy transition picks up pace:

1)  We released the Generator Report Card 2018  at the end of May 2019;

2)  We’ve sporadically posted about the types of Villains we see threatening to derail the train journey … such as the following:

Villain #1

First and foremost, I see the long-running failure of our “emperors with no clothes as a huge (and perhaps the biggest) driver of our energy transition train wreck …

Villain #2

… however our political class have been aided and abetted by us, the voting public, in that we have been seemingly unable to deliver stable support for the complexities inherent in such a large transformation …

Villain #3

Both politicians and public alike have been pulled from both extremes by an increasingly loud shouting match that’s emerged across both extremes of the Emotion-o-meter.

Villain #4

With participants at all points on that scale (including us as a company, and yours truly) suffering from the yawning gap that’s emerging between required and current “Energy Literacy”.

Villain #5

We see a number of instances where there seems to have been a tendency of not focusing on the real problems at hand.

Some examples of these were posted later:

Villain 5a)  Not accounting directly for a price on carbon

Villain 5b)  Focus on changing rules, rather than addressing underlying structural issues

Villain 5c)  Too much focus on COST and not enough on VALUE

Villain 5d)  Obsessing about Negawatts, and losing sight of Demand Response.

Villain 5e)  Still other examples to follow…

Villain #6

Back on 8th November 2018 I wrote about how we see Villain #6 was ‘reaching for (or believing in, a ‘Magic Wand’, with a few examples of this provided in subsequent articles.

Some examples of these were posted later:

Villain 6a)  An obsession about ‘base load’

Villain 6b)  Latching onto ‘storage’ as a magic cure-all

Villain 6c)  Believing that ‘Demand Response’ is a cure to any gap in the supply/demand model

Villain 6d)  A simplistic belief that ‘diversity will cure it all’ in relation to extremes in variability

Villain 6e)  Still other examples to come…

Villain #7

Back at my presentation in July 2017 I spoke about this … and it was discussed since in a number of forums.

For instance, in the GRC2018 we included discussion about how the NEM has been developing a schism … as Theme 5 within Part 2 of the 180-page analytical component of the GRC2018:


This Theme was picked up in some of the comments made after release in May 2019.

Approximately 15 months ago (on 9th March 2020) we wrote about how how it seems the form of support for Wind and Solar developments has been leading to consequences perhaps not fully thought through when these forms of support were implemented…. hence the article title ‘We’ve been killing New Entrants with kindness?’.


Perhaps topical to reflect on this one given that only last Friday RenewEconomy wrote how ‘Australian wind projects grind to a halt in face of grid hurdles and falling prices’ … and with the exit of many of the initial investors in both Wind and Solar projects as the realities of the ‘long, skinny’ transmission network are recognised belatedly?

Villain #8 So today I write about Villain number 8….


3)  We’re in the process of preparing Generator Insights 2021 as an update of (and extension on) the 180-page analytical component in the GRC2018 (with assistance from a range external analysts).

Coincidentally, July 2021 is just around the corner now and (fingers crossed that the latest spike in COVID cases in Sydney is under control quickly and it goes ahead) we’ll look forward to having four of our team attend the CEC’s 2021 version of the Clean Energy Summit on 13th and 14th July:

1)  All going well, I will be there along with our two Melbourne-based employees (Marcelle Gannon and Linton Corbet) and also with our first Sydney-based software engineer (Adam Kent, who has just joined).

2)  No presentations from any of us this time, though!


(B)  Introducing Villain #8 … the ‘Invisible Man’

So today we’re introducing you to Villain number 8 … the latest addition to the list of Villains above:


Introducing the Invisible Man!

I’ll start this post off today by noting a couple examples of how we’ve been seen to exhibit this sort of behaviour with respect to the energy sector transition.  As time permits, I’ll post separately about other examples, and link them into the table below…


Date added Example of Villain #8 Brief discussion


Initial (17 June 2016) Villain 8a =

The opacity of rooftop PV

Way back on Friday 17th June 2016 I wrote about ‘The opacity of distributed, small-scale solar PV output’…. and I followed this up with a subsequent article on 2nd December 2019 when I wrote about ‘The (ongoing!) opacity of distributed, small-scale solar PV output’.

As noted in that second article, this was discussed further in Theme 14 within Part 2 of the 180-page analytical component of the GRC2018:


Let’s call this instance Villain 8a.

Earlier (7th August 2019)

… but also today (21st June 2021 here)

Villain 8b =

The invisibility of generator outage plans

On Thursday 15th August 2019 we posted this article noting how the MT PASA rule changes proposed by ERM Power are one example of the type of changes that will be required as the energy transition gains pace.

This was another example of what was discussed further in Theme 14 within Part 2 of the 180-page analytical component of the GRC2018:


The 15th August article followed comments on 7th August 2019 related to the general reaction seen to AGL’s announced intention to slightly delay closure of Torrens A and Liddell stations.

Let’s call this instance Villain 8b.


Thankfully, the AEMC acted to eliminate this transparency … albeit only partially.

From early 2021 there have been a number of articles published on WattClarity that have used the new ’MT PASA DUID Availability’ widget in ez2view that has been made possible with the rule change:

1)  Using Google search, you can find some of these articles here.  Licensed users of ez2view can access this widget in version 8 and newer.

2)  The market says a big thank-you to AEMC (and ERM Power (now Shell Energy) for proposing) for this!

3)  In particular I’d like to draw your attention to this coincident article today ‘Using ‘MT PASA DUID Availability’ widget in ez2view to compare unit availability with expectations prior to Q2 2021’ that flags where the Invisible Man still lurks.

Why, oh why, was the rule not also extended to cover Semi-Scheduled generators!?

Initial (7th August 2019)

Villain 8c =

The invisibility inherent in Negawatts being used as a supply-side dispatch option within the WDRM

The Wholesale Demand Response Mechanism (WDRM) is commencing operations in October 2021.

It’s quite well known that I have already voiced some concerns about what’s being implemented with the WDRM on 5th March 2019 and 21st October 2019 and 24th November 2020.  From these articles I’d like to highlight the following:

1)  When I wrote ‘Some thoughts about Demand Response …’ back on 5th March 2019 I noted significant concerns about Villain number 8 in what was proposed at the time … with the concerns still present in what’s being implemented:


2)  On 24th November 2020 in the article ‘All aboard the Negawatt Express…’ I noted (with reference to the AEMC’s own Assessment Framework) the following:


I have significant concerns that this implementation of a Centralised Negawatt Dispatch Mechanism will end up making transparency/understandably worse … especially when implemented in conjunction with Tripwire number 3.


Let’s call this instance Villain 8c.

Initial (10th June 2021)

Villain 8d =

The new (mostly) ‘invisible’ 5 minute Trading Period with the introduction of Five Minute Settlement

A bit over a week ago (on Thursday 10th June 2021) I wrote about ‘the invisible 5-minute Trading Periods’ that we’re introducing as a result of the path chosen to implement Five Minute Settlement by 1st October 2021.

This we called ‘Potential Tripwire #1’ and followed up with ‘Potential Tripwire #2’ and ‘Potential Tripwire #3’

It seems ironic (reflecting on the set of three new tripwires looming) that the pace of change is such that we’re adding in more sources of invisibility and confusion in the market rather than reducing them in these particular instances!


Let’s call these largely invisible 5-minute trading periods Villain 8d.

Later More to come… We’ll add more examples later…


I’m sure that some of our readers will have encountered other examples of how Villain #8 has manifest itself in the energy sector through this transition process.

Feel free to add your examples as comments below, or provide us your feedback directly/confidentially –  or just give us a call!

About the Author

Paul McArdle
Paul was one of the founders of Global-Roam in February 2000. He is currently the CEO of the company and the principal author of WattClarity. Writing for WattClarity has become a natural extension of his work in understanding the electricity market, enabling him to lead the team in developing better software for clients. Before co-founding the company, Paul worked as a Mechanical Engineer for the Queensland Electricity Commission in the early 1990s. He also gained international experience in Japan, the United States, Canada, the UK, and Argentina as part of his ES Cornwall Memorial Scholarship.

44 Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. AEMC publishes draft determination on application to lower Registration threshold for Generators – WattClarity
  2. End of the road looming – for Liddell, and also AGL’s Torrens B … and another day delay for Callide C3! – WattClarity
  3. AEMO rule change proposal – replacement of ST PASA process, and data set – WattClarity
  4. Callide C3 return to service delayed another week – WattClarity
  5. A long list of Villains – that have each contributed to our “energy crisis” – WattClarity
  6. The volatility seen through Q2 2021 was very much a product of timing of solar production – WattClarity
  7. What does ‘Forecast Convergence’ for MT PASA DUID Availability help us understand, about the ESB’s Final Advice? – WattClarity
  8. Five Minute Settlement has commenced … but beware some tripwires! – WattClarity
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  11. Keeping an eye out, for Negawatts – WattClarity
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  13. New all-time record demand for QLD region on Tuesday 8th March 2022 – WattClarity
  14. Ongoing file creation delays in P5 predispatch data at AEMO - WattClarity
  15. Minimum Demand drops lower, on Sunday 25th September 2022 – for the NSW region, and also NEMwide - WattClarity
  16. *Was* solar production disappointingly low through (parts of) Q2 2022 … and, if so, why? - WattClarity
  17. First night of living on an island … with SA disconnected from the rest of the NEM - WattClarity
  18. Expected Return to Service date for Callide C3* slips further back, to 30th June 2023 - WattClarity
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  23. Federal Court finding relating to Pelican Point CCGT on 8th February 2017 … and upcoming market changes - WattClarity
  24. An updated look at Kogan Creek performance in the past 60 days (re industrial action, bushfires, ambient temp, ez2view enhancements, and more) - WattClarity
  25. Stubborn forecasts for LOR2 (low reserve condition) for NSW for Thursday evening 29th February 2024 - WattClarity
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  27. Case Study of Sunday 12th November 2023 (lowest point for Aggregate Scheduled Target in 2023) - WattClarity
  28. NEM-wide aggregate wind yield under 500MW on Thursday evening 23rd May 2024 - WattClarity
  29. Where’s the wind gone, through 2024 Q2? … with June perhaps even worse than April or May! - WattClarity
  30. Queensland ‘Market Demand’ drops below 3,000MW (for the first time in over 20 years), on Sunday 18th August 2024 - WattClarity
  31. Return to service commences for Callide C4 on Friday 30th August 2024! - WattClarity
  32. More changes to the (re)commissioning schedule for Callide C4 - WattClarity
  33. What happened with System Load in VIC on Friday 27th and Saturday 28th September 2024? - WattClarity
  34. Taking a look inside South Australia’s lengthy run of volatility on Monday 23rd September 2024 (Part 1 of a Case Study) - WattClarity
  35. Here’s a few things to watch, w.r.t. the forecast tight supply-demand balance in NSW (and QLD) for early next week - WattClarity
  36. An updated view of outage plans for Scheduled units above 200MW in NSW and QLD - WattClarity
  37. Today’s discussion (at the Senate Committee) of planned or unplanned outages in the NSW supply fleet on Wednesday 27th November 2024 - WattClarity
  38. AEMC Final Determination in ‘Integrating price-responsive resources into the NEM’ - WattClarity
  39. A quick review of Queensland bidding over recent days (incl Wed 22nd Jan 2025) - WattClarity
  40. Higher NEMwide demand forecasts for Monday 3rd and Tuesday 4th February 2025 - WattClarity
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  44. A brief reminder about the complexity of measuring ‘Demand’ ... - WattClarity

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