Analytical Challenge – remembering to consider that *Other* Dimension of Time

There’s been a number of times over preceding months and years when I have thought about writing an article such as this one, but have not done so.

However through the evolution of the 2022 Energy Crisis (which has been centred on Q2, culminating in June … at least thus far), I’ve seen a number of instances in which analysis of what’s happened has (in my view) not considered that other dimension of time – giving added impetus to the task of publishing this article today.


(A)  The linear progression of time

It makes sense that we most often think about the evolution of time in a linear scale as illustrated in the image below (with reference to the growth and ageing of a particular person):


As the person ages, they age from the left to the right (except in the case of Benjamin Button, of course).

From cartoon world and back into the NEM, analysis about changes to variables of interest (such as electricity prices) will typically follow the same pattern – such as:

1)  The price this year compared to the price last year;

2)  The volume of electricity produced from a particular asset …

(a)  this month compared to last month

(b)  or perhaps, compared to the same month last year

(c)  or, with an added level of complexity, this month compared to the same time such-and-such conditions held in the market

… and so on…

It’s very common to see analysis that follows that standard dimension of time.


(B)  Reviewing ‘Actual’ against prior ‘Expectation’

But it’s important to remember that other dimension of time can also be important for analysis on occasions – with that other dimension related to how:

1)   we compare expectations ‘now’ (with respect to some point in the future) in relation to what actually unfolds.

2)  we could also compare what our expectations were back at some point in the past (with respect to some point in time that was in the future at the time) in relation to what actually unfolded.

Stepping back into cartoon-world briefly to illustrate:

1)  As a young kid, their expectation might be ‘when I grow up, I want to be a fireman (or woman)’

2)  As a teenager, their dreams will have changed (and maybe they are dreaming then of being the next Ronaldo).

3)  Early in the working career, they might have expectations that they will have ‘secured the corner office’ (or whatever it is that’s their career expectation at the time).

4)  By the time they reach middle age their expectations will probably have been modified by their life experiences to that point (hopefully not to the point that too much of the Dilbert cartoons resonate, mind you).

5)  In later life they might be given more to reminiscing about those points in their past that made them happy (or perhaps sad).

Here’s an illustration:


By rotating the standard dimension for the progression of time to a diagonal, we unlock a method of illustrating these other dimensions:

1)  future expectations ahead of a given point of time are the horizontal dotted lines; and that

2)  ‘looking up a vertical’ becomes a way of reviewing how varying expectations for the future converged (or not) on what actually transpired.

Given the underlying complexity of the National Electricity Market there are many of these ‘future expectations’ that are published by the AEMO that take the form of formal forecasts … in P5 predispatch, P30 predispatch, ST PASA and MT PASA.  This has been continuing for more than 20 years, with some variations.

We’ve built a (very large) database of these in a modified MMS Schema and store it in the cloud:

1)  making it accessible to our ez2view clients to review through the ‘Forecast Convergence’ widget, which uses a similar triangular grid representation as illustrated above.

2)  we also have some clients who subscribe to access this ‘MMS Historical’ directly via SQL.

It’s important to note, up front, that other expectations are not published in such a regularly repeatable fashion, and accessible in the MMS … but they can still be quite important in understanding what actually transpired given the inter-related complexities of the NEM.


(C)  Examples using ‘Forecast Convergence’

It’s specifically for this purpose (i.e. ‘looking up a vertical’) that we introduced the ‘Forecast Convergence’ widget into ez2view some years ago, and have continued to enhance since that time …

… such as in June 2022, driven by the 2022 Energy Crisis, we introduced the ability to trend through successive LOR level 1, 2 and 3 forecasts using the Forecast Convergence Grid.

Here’s some examples of where it’s been used….

Subject Matter


Price Outcomes

Answering the question ‘did price outcomes match expectations?’ is one of the central questions asked by many stakeholders in the National Electricity Market … hence something we have also asked in prior WattClarity articles, including the following:

(a)  At the bottom of this review of price outcomes for Q2 2021 we included a different style representation of ‘Forecast Convergence’ to highlight how price outcomes in the physical market were significantly above the prior expectations for them in the financial market.

(b)  The complexities of even answering the question ‘was there any warning of this price spike’ were explored in this article about overnight volatility in South Australia on Thursday morning 8th September 2022.

It’s also worth noting the use of a sketch of the ‘Forecast Convergence’ grid to illustrate the potential challenges with Potential Tripwire #1 in relation to ‘The invisible 5-minute Trading Periods’.

‘Forecast Convergence’ for the Supply-Demand balance expectations

Price outcomes are primarily the result of supply-demand balance (with some other factors thrown in as well).

Understandably, there have been a number of articles written about the evolving forecasts for supply-demand balance on WattClarity, such as:

(a)  On 27th January 2022 we wrote about ‘Forecast tight supply/demand balance in Queensland on Monday 31st January, Tuesday 1st and Wednesday 2nd February 2022’.

(b)  In this article looking at 9th March 2022 we used the ez2view widget to explore ‘The difficulty of forecasting the supply-demand balance!’.

(c)  In this article on 14th June 2022 we also used the ez2view widget to explore ‘11am forecast for LOR3 across the NEM…’.

Lack of Reserve expectations?

It was logical to extend ‘Forecast Convergence’ in ez2view to also enable another view of Supply-Demand balance … by the tracking of LOR expectations in AEMO forecasts:

(a)  We noted the implementation on 20th June 2022 with ‘increased visibility of LOR3 forecasts’.

(b)  This new functionality was used on 10th August looking forwards to 15th August 2022 in writing ‘load shedding briefly forecast for South Australia’.

Demand Outcomes

One part of the supply-demand equation relates to electricity demand.  The forecastability of electricity demand is therefore quite central to electricity market operations:

1)  It was explored in GenInsights21 more systematically:

(a)  Such as Linton mentioned when writing about ‘is the predictability of day-ahead demand improving?’

2)  On WattClarity in recent years there have been a number of articles written about changing expectations for electricity consumption – such as:

(a)  On 12th February 2021 writing about how ‘Victoria’s snap lockdown drops demand forecast by 1,000MW’.

(b)  On 2nd February 2022 we wrote about ‘demand forecast warming for QLD …’ for that afternoon.

Availability of any units?

Readers should note that this ‘Availability’ measure:

(a)  might be viewed for a single unit;

(b)  or aggregated to focus specifically at any sub-set of units;

(c)  or used to look at all Scheduled and Semi-Scheduled units together … noting the invisibility of other Non-Scheduled units in this respect.

… with the following being some examples…

Availability of coal-fired units

We’ve looked more systematically at this data in a number of ways:

1)  It was explored in GenInsights21 more systematically:

(a)  In Appendix 16 within GenInsights21 we demonstrated how the forecastability of coal unit availability 24 hours in advance is not changing as significantly as you might believe if you listened too closely to other commentary elsewhere.

(b)  A different representation of ‘Forecast Convergence’ was introduced in the Q2 2022 issue of GenInsights Quarterly Updates, and we will continue updating these for subsequent quarters.

2)  Also on WattClarity we’ll feature articles looking at specific points in time:

(a)  Will link to some later.

Availability of Wind and/or Solar units

Notwithstanding the unfortunate historical invisibility (or at least opacity) of underlying physical plant availability for Wind and Solar units, the same approach can be used to review energy-constrained Availability.

This question might be asked with respect to either (or both):

(a)  the energy-constrained availability of Wind and Solar (together, or individually); and/or

(b)  the actual output of Wind and Solar (together, or individually).

This particular question is explored in a number of ways:

1)  Within Appendix 16 of GenInsights21 we provided more systemic analysis of the degree to which the ‘error’ in forecasting Wind and Solar (energy constrained) Availability is growing larger as installed capacity continues to grow.

(a)  Some of this analysis was featured in Marcelle’s subsequent article ‘What does the future hold for Wind and Solar in the NEM – seen via GenInsights21?’.

Analysis now being updated periodically  via GenInsights Quarterly Updates.

2)  Through articles on WattClarity we have looked more specifically at different examples:

(a)  Back in December 2019 Allan used ‘Forecast Convergence’ for Wind and Solar to explore ‘Out of the blue, an LOR2’

(b)  In his article on 4th February 2022, Allan used ‘Forecast Convergence’ to look at Wind and Solar Availability as part of his review ‘Expect the unexpected – it’s the NEM after all’.

(c)  For instance on Thursday 12th May 2022 we posted this article about how the ‘drop in forecast wind conditions … briefly triggers forecasts of load shedding…’.

(d)  More to come…

Also worth noting

1)  From GenInsights21:

(a)  In  Appendix 16 within GenInsights21 we highlighted the different nature of forecastability of Availability for different fuel types … as seen in this ‘Mystery DUID’ quiz  (results were in the report).

(b)  Following the 2022 Energy Crisis, we specifically explored the same thing with a different representation of ‘Forecast Convergence’ was introduced in the Q2 2022 issue of GenInsights Quarterly Updates.

2)  In specific articles on WattClarity® we also explored:

(a) such as in this article on 17th September 2021, we wound the clock backwards to look forwards to 31st August 2021 and the level of ‘Aggregate Scheduled Availability’ across all fully Scheduled units.

Output of any units?

As with Availability, it is possible to complete this analysis with respect to all units, or a subset of units.  In particular, it’s worth highlighting the following:

1)  In our GenInsights21 report we featured a number of different pieces of analysis relating to ‘Aggregate Scheduled Target’ (‘AggShedTarget’ =  the sum of the Dispatch Targets for all fully Scheduled units* operating in the NEM at that time):

* these units, in aggregate (i.e. coal, gas, liquid, hydro, battery discharge and negawatts) represent the fully dispatchable units – the ones being called on to make up whatever difference there is between Underlying Consumption on the one side and the supply of VRE on the other hand.  Hence it’s critically  important to understand how the requirement for these services is changing over time as the NEM moves from a ‘baseload and peaking’ dispatch model to a ‘VRE and flexibility’ dispatch model.

(a)  In Appendix 15 we provided analysis of how the requirement is changing over time, in terms of both:

i.  the aggregate level of AggSchedTarget across the NEM; and

ii.  the increasing demand for fast ramping (up, and down) of AggSchedTarget.

(b)  In Appendix 16 which we called ‘Forecast Convergence’, we provided analysis of how it’s becoming increasingly challenging to forecast (24 hours in advance) what the requirement will be for AggSchedTarget … which has implications for market design deliberations (such as in relation to the much-maligned Capacity Market question).

This analysis in both appendices:

(a)  Was discussed as part of this presentation to Smart Energy Council audience on 5th April 2022 (see the table underneath to know where to skip to, to listen in to discussions just about those two appendices).

(b)  Was also one of the insights that resonated with PV Magazine in this article upon the release of GenInsights21.

(c)  Was also discussed in the June 2022 issue of ‘Smart Energy Magazine’ (see p49/72).

2)  We’re also now updating some of this analysis each quarter via GenInsights Quarterly Updates for a select (small) group of clients.

3)  More will also be shared via WattClarity articles…


The functionality will continue to expand in future upgrades to the ez2view software …


So stay tuned to the ‘Forecast Convergence’ tag on WattClarity for more…


(D)  Where ‘expectation’ data is not so readily available

Of course it’s important to remember that (despite the richness of the data sets published by AEMO …  and other organisations like ASX Energy (in relation to price expectations in the futures contracts), and also now FEX Global) there are other expectations that are not published in public data like the AEMO forecast data sets, but are still quite relevant to analysis of particular outcomes seen in the NEM.

For instance, changing expectations for how much ‘fuel’ might be required for a particular generating unit (be that coal, gas, or energy stored in hydro or batteries) is quite relevant … but not clearly visible in the published data.

About the Author

Paul McArdle
Paul was one of the founders of Global-Roam in February 2000. He is currently the CEO of the company and the principal author of WattClarity. Writing for WattClarity has become a natural extension of his work in understanding the electricity market, enabling him to lead the team in developing better software for clients. Before co-founding the company, Paul worked as a Mechanical Engineer for the Queensland Electricity Commission in the early 1990s. He also gained international experience in Japan, the United States, Canada, the UK, and Argentina as part of his ES Cornwall Memorial Scholarship.

65 Trackbacks & Pingbacks

  1. AEMO briefly forecasts load shedding for NSW on Saturday morning 8th October (possibly data glitch?) - WattClarity
  2. Quick initial notes about price spike at 17:30 on Friday 28th October 2022 - WattClarity
  3. Expected Return to Service date for Callide C3* slips further back, to 30th June 2023 - WattClarity
  4. Forecast LOR2 (and new record demand) for QLD region on Friday 3rd February - WattClarity
  5. Tuesday afternoon look at the (escalating) forecast for Friday 3rd February 2022 (but then forecast LOR2 cancelled) - WattClarity
  6. Forecasts pointing to record demand and other risks in QLD for Friday afternoon.. but caveats aplenty - WattClarity
  7. Quick Friday morning look-ahead to Friday evening in QLD - WattClarity
  8. Callide C4 generator stator is now at Callide Power Station - WattClarity
  9. Recapping Thursday 23rd Feb 2023 (when hot weather drove demand in South Australia highest in 9 years) - WattClarity
  10. A quick look at EnergyAustralia’s outage plans for Yallourn Power Station - WattClarity
  11. A (very slight) delay to closure of Liddell unit 4 - WattClarity
  12. The worm has turned? Actual demand levels dropping lower than forecast (QLD 3rd Feb 2023) … maybe no record? - WattClarity
  13. Currently forecast LOR2 for South Australia for Wednesday 10th May 2023 - WattClarity
  14. Record for NEM-wide wind production nudged slightly higher on Thu 8th June 2023 - WattClarity
  15. Four coal unit outages in the past 24 hours - WattClarity
  16. LOR3 forecast flickers on and off for South Australia for tomorrow evening 27th of June 2023 - WattClarity
  17. GenInsights Quarterly Update for Q2 2023 released - WattClarity
  18. Current outage plans for Kogan Creek – with threats of industrial action - WattClarity
  19. CS Energy update on repairs to Callide C3 and C4 cooling tower - WattClarity
  20. Spot price volatility in South Australia on Thursday evening 9th Nov 2023 - WattClarity
  21. [FIRST CUT OF] a sequence of events for what happened in Victoria through the day on Tuesday 13th February 2024 (via Timeline #1) - WattClarity
  22. A quick first pass through ENERGY bids (for Victorian units) on - WattClarity
  23. Thursday 29th February 2024 could be a (relatively) high demand day in NSW - WattClarity
  24. Stubborn forecasts for LOR2 (low reserve condition) for NSW for Thursday evening 29th February 2024 - WattClarity
  25. A first look at the NSW price spike at 15:10 (NEM time) on Thu 29th Feb 2024 - WattClarity
  26. Antony Stace’s question about the step change (down) in QLD demand forecasts in AEMO MT PASA runs during February 2024 - WattClarity
  27. GenInsights Quarterly Update for 2023 Q4 released - WattClarity
  28. Weatherzone forecasts possibility of Wind Farm (high wind speed) Cut Outs - WattClarity
  29. AEMO’s forecasts for higher ‘Market Demand’ in NSW on Thursday evening 25th January 2024 don’t materialise - WattClarity
  30. Callide C3 starts up, after 518 days offline - on 1st April 2024 (now, that’s *not* an April fools tall tale) - WattClarity
  31. NEM-wide wind lull stretches extends to a full week (Tue 16th April 2024), and has another week to go! - WattClarity
  32. The wind is back … some days earlier than suggested in AEMO’s older forecasts - WattClarity
  33. Yallourn unit 1 comes offline for the ‘performance improvement’ planned outage - WattClarity
  34. More court action about 'the Brady Report' for Callide C4 - WattClarity
  35. AEMO updates forecast for supply-demand balance on Monday morning 20th May 2024 … now forecast LOR2 - WattClarity
  36. … but ER02 return to service hit a snag (Thu 16th May 2024) – now possibly out until Tue 21st May 2024 - WattClarity
  37. Saturday morning wrap of forecast LOR conditions in NSW - WattClarity
  38. Softening of LOR forecasts for NSW in ST PASA and P30 - WattClarity
  39. How predictable is the wind (a short Case Study of Thursday evening 30th May 2024)? - WattClarity
  40. Unplanned outage at Loy Yang A1 - WattClarity
  41. What the last twenty years of the ESOO tells us about blackout predictions - WattClarity
  42. Eraring Unit 3 offline for planned outage … but no more outages planned for Eraring through to 2027 (yet?) - WattClarity
  43. Case Study - Severe Weather Challenges Day-Ahead Forecasts for 7, 8, 9 September 2023 - WattClarity
  44. Might get close to a new all-time record for wind production late this weekend? - WattClarity
  45. Forecast LOR2 for the QLD region on Tuesday 8th October 2024 - WattClarity
  46. AEMO forecasts ‘Minimum System Load’ (at MSL1 level) for VIC on Saturday 12th and Sunday 13th October 2024 - WattClarity
  47. What happened with System Load in VIC on Friday 27th and Saturday 28th September 2024? - WattClarity
  48. Forecast tight supply-demand balance (i.e. LOR2) for QLD and NSW on Thursday evening 7th November 2024 - WattClarity
  49. Evening blast of spot price volatility in South Australia on Monday 23rd September 2024 (Part 1 of a Case Study) - WattClarity
  50. A question about (currently) planned outages for Eraring Power Station through until (currently planned closure) in August 2027 - WattClarity
  51. The extended outage at Eraring unit 3 (as at Thu morning 5th Dec 2024) - WattClarity
  52. Today’s discussion (at the Senate Committee) of planned or unplanned outages in the NSW supply fleet on Wednesday 27th November 2024 - WattClarity
  53. Looking ahead (prior to 9am), to Monday evening 16th December 2024 - WattClarity
  54. AEMO publishes forecast LOR2 for NSW for Monday afternoon/evening 6th January 2025 - WattClarity
  55. Forecasts moderate, for NSW on Monday 6th January 2025 - WattClarity
  56. About the short-notice ‘Actual LOR2’ condition for NSW on Monday 13th January 2025 … Part 3 of a Case Study. - WattClarity
  57. Forecast ‘Market Demand’ for QLD on Friday 24th Jan 2025 approaching all-time maximum - WattClarity
  58. Operational snags at Bayswater unit 2 - WattClarity
  59. QLD’s new all-time-maximum ‘Market Demand’ on Wednesday 22nd January 2025 was ~500MW higher than P30 predispatch forecasts - WattClarity
  60. With heat building, is NSW the one to watch today (Tuesday 28th January 2025) - WattClarity
  61. Stubborn forecast LOR2 for NSW on Friday afternoon/evening 7th February 2024 - WattClarity
  62. A curious case of some ‘rogue’ sky-high P5 price forecasts for NSW on Thursday 20th February 2025 - WattClarity
  63. Is VRE forecastable? (Part 1 in what might be a series) - WattClarity
  64. New lowest-ever* point for NSW ‘Market Demand’ on Sunday 16th Feb 2025 was lower than AEMO’s earlier forecasts - WattClarity
  65. Sunday 16th March could be a stinker in NSW … including with sporadic forecasts of LOR2 - WattClarity

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