June 2021

A Second Serving of the Q2 Elephant

For a second portion of Q2 “elephant eating”, I’ll look in some detail at the dynamics of an early instance of spot price volatility in Queensland, because many drivers turn out to be similar across other volatile intervals in the…

Eating the NEM’s Q2 Elephant – An Appetizer

An old adage runs that to eat an elephant, it’s best to proceed in small servings. With a very eventful Q2 in the NEM not yet finished, the number of headline events is already large enough – unexpected price volatility…

Callide C Event Fallout

Carl Daley of EnergyByte examines the ramifications of the Callide Power Station outage and discusses the big losers and winners from the situation.

Yallourn unit 3 back offline again

Late yesterday I noted how the situation at Yallourn was more complex than we had been initially thinking, so it was no surprise to see Yallourn unit 3 come back offline early this morning to conserve dwindling fuel supplies: Above…