Winter 2021 in the NEM

A collection of articles about events that occur through winter 2021 in the NEM (i.e. June, July, August 2021)

Eating the NEM’s Q2 Elephant – An Appetizer

An old adage runs that to eat an elephant, it’s best to proceed in small servings. With a very eventful Q2 in the NEM not yet finished, the number of headline events is already large enough – unexpected price volatility…

Yallourn unit 3 back offline again

Late yesterday I noted how the situation at Yallourn was more complex than we had been initially thinking, so it was no surprise to see Yallourn unit 3 come back offline early this morning to conserve dwindling fuel supplies: Above…

Where’s Callide B1?

With expectations set last week that Callide B1 would be back online yesterday at minimum load, I’ve had a quick look and can’t see it yet…

Evening volatility on Tuesday 15th June 2021

It was volatile this morning well past that’s become ‘normal’ and the volatility has returned (as I expected it would) this evening. Here’s the snapshot of the 17:20 dispatch interval from one of our NEMwatch v10 dashboards: As highlighted: 1) …