Headline Reports

A Quick Tour of the 2021 ESOO

Guest author, Allan O’Neil, takes an initial look at some of the highlights included in the AEMO’s Electricity Statement of Opportunities for 2021 (a 10-year forecast for what might unfold in the future of the NEM).

Analysis of Large Thermals using the GSD2020

Guest author, Nick Bartels, compares calendar year results from GSD2020 to those in the earlier GSD2019 to explore how some thermal units in QLD and SA are changing operating patterns as part of the energy transition

The Generator Statistical Digest 2020 (GSD2020) is released

From Monday 1st Feb 2021 the (720-page) Generator Statistical Digest 2020 is more broadly available – here’s some of what’s in it, and how you can access. Those dozens of clients who had submitted earlier pre-orders were provided early access on Friday 29th Jan 2021.