AEMO releases 2022 Integrated System Plan (ISP)
A short note about the release of the final version of the AEMO's 2022 ISP that was published this morning.
A short note about the release of the final version of the AEMO's 2022 ISP that was published this morning.
Wednesday 8th June 2022 saw bust-boom-bust supply-demand balance, with yo-yo pricing resulting. Very topical, given discussions in various parts about a capacity market.
A brief note in the lead-up to a deeper dive into GenInsights21 for AEC Members next week, on Tuesday 26th April 2022.
Occasional guest author, David Leitch, grasped an opportunity for an early read of GenInsights21 - and shares some of his observations here with WattClarity readers.
A short note about the release, earlier this week, by the AEMO of the 'Initial Roadmap' in the NEM Engineering Framework.
Guest author, Allan O'Neil, takes an initial look at some of the highlights included in the AEMO's Electricity Statement of Opportunities for 2021 (a 10-year forecast for what...
Tom Geiser discusses transmission access and the efficacy of Renewable Energy Zones. He examines what the underlying problems are and how they can be solved directly.
Straight out of the pages of the FinReview and into spot price outcomes in the NEM on Sunday 11th July 2021!
A quick note to alert our readers that the ESB has published an Options Paper today on the post 2025 Market Design (with submissions due Wed 9th June...
Following recent articles on spot market revenue earned by solar farms in the NEM in 2020, Marcelle takes a look at their FCAS costs.
Marcelle extends last week's comparison of solar farm energy spot market revenue in 2020 by adding in an estimate of the LGC (green certificate) revenue.
Which solar farms performed best in 2020? Marcelle compares spot revenue performance across the NEM.
In what's become a fairly regular occurrence the past couple months, the price spiked in QLD for a single dispatch interval as the sun was setting.
Adam Clarke from The City of Newcastle local government publishes this detailed look at what operating on a 100% renewable electricity contract looks like in practice, a year...
Prompted by several different conversations offline in early 2021, I've taken a quick look at what have been traded volumes (on ASX) of the traditional 'PEAK' hedge contract...
Following last week's ASX & Media Release, this week's half-year results presented by AGL Energy has more questions being asked. Here are some ...
Guest author Allan O'Neil puts together an in-depth explainer about system strength and looks at the current approach to system strength management in South Australia, its impacts and...
Through the lens of the GSD2020, Allan O'Neil looks at the much-discussed role of gas-fired generation in the 'energy transition' of the NEM’s generation sector
Following a presentation to the EESA in September, Dr Robert May and Ashley Nicholls from SA Water have written a case study detailing the sophisticated energy management system...
Following up to AEMO's recent Intermittent Generator forum, Marcelle looks at the challenges for wind and solar farms in providing consistently good plant availability information to AEMO and...