Bizarre pricing continues outside of the QLD region
At 22:40 the price exceeds $10,000/MWh in NSW, VIC and SA … with QLD under Administered Pricing.
At 22:40 the price exceeds $10,000/MWh in NSW, VIC and SA … with QLD under Administered Pricing.
Volatility has ramped up in NSW, VIC, SA and TAS (particularly SA) with QLD under Administered Pricing.
A follow-on from Administered Pricing in QLD is the start of some head-scratching market outcomes … such as this spike in South Australia.
A later article reviewing how Cumulative Price in Queensland has jumped upwards this evening (towards the CPT) as a result of a solid four hours above $1,000/MWh.
Price volatility has returned to the QLD region on Friday evening 10th June 2022.
A brief note about this morning’s volatility.
Price volatility in the QLD region rose to another level on Thursday morning, 9th June 2022
Wednesday 8th June 2022 saw bust-boom-bust supply-demand balance, with yo-yo pricing resulting. Very topical, given discussions in various parts about a capacity market.
A quick look at the start of price volatility on Tuesday evening, 7th June 2022
A quick look at some of the factors of this morning’s price volatility in the QLD region.
A brief look at a period where the TAS region experienced prices up at $15,100/MWh Market Price Cap.
A short article to document another volatility evening.
NEM-wide IRPM is dropping lower and lower on Thursday 2nd June 2022
At 16:40 the price spiked above $1,000/MWh for the first time this evening.
A quick look at this morning’s volatility – and also with respect to coal unit availability prior to the expected tight conditions this evening.
A short look at the start of price volatility on Tuesday evening 31st May 2022
Have already posted a few articles today, but will leave you with a question that one of our readers asked me earlier today… It’s quite a topical question: 1) with the Cumulative Price Threshold reached in the Victorian DWGM ……
A short article looking at changing patterns of hydro utilisation on the mainland – particularly with recent volatility.
Have fielded some questions recently, so thought it easiest to include this snapshot from ez2view ‘Bids and Offers’ widget looking back over the past week from now and filtered down specifically to Snowy Hydro’s Valley Power peaking facility in the…
A short article about this evening’s market volatility in the QLD region on Monday 16th May 2022