The Generator Statistical Digest 2020 (GSD2020) is released

Last week (Wed 27th Jan 2021) we finalised development of the Generator Statistical Digest 2020 (GSD2020) … and then on Friday 29th Jan 2021 we provided clients who had pre-ordered their copy with early access. 

Over the weekend a number of them have made a start in stepping through the very detailed, 720-page, data-rich Digest to a wide variety of performance data for all DUIDs (i.e. units) that had been operational in the NEM through at least some portion of Calendar 2020.


From Monday 1st February 2021, we are formally releasing the GSD2020 … following some focused effort over the past couple of months from a combined team (across Greenview Strategic Consulting and also some of us here at Global-Roam Pty Ltd, and with some highly valued assistance from others as well).


(A)  What is the GSD2020?

The GSD2020 is an update to the popular GSD2019 (released almost exactly a year ago today) – which itself was an update to, and extension of, the statistical component that formed ‘Part 3’ of our very widely read Generator Report Card 2018 (GRC2018).

The evolution is described here:

Where the GRC2018 delivered value over two main components (180 pages of analysis and 330 pages of statistics), it required an all-consuming effort to put it together.   Hence we have decided that it would be better to split our future efforts in updating this between the two discrete components of value:

Component #1 = an annual publication we’re calling the Generator Statistical Digest, published in January each year looking back the prior 10 years but with particular focus on the year just passed; and

Component #2 = a less frequently updated Analytical Component, which we will name at the appropriate time.

The design of the GSD2020 is illustrated as follows:

For all DUIDs that operated through some portion of CAL 2020 (i.e. for which AEMO published some non-zero InitialMW data) we will include two pages:

‘A’ Page
… ten years 2011 to 2020
‘B’ Page
… additional details for CAL2020
This page was closely based on the ‘A’ page design used in the GSD2019 – which was itself heavily based on the ‘page per DUID’ supplied in Part 3 of the GRC2018 (with enhancements in a number of ways, based on feedback from clients).

For the GSD2020, this ‘A’ Page looks as follows:

Click here, or on the image, for more detail about the ‘A’ Page.

This page was closely based on the ‘B’ page design used in the GSD2019.  This page was added as an extension to the GRC2018.

It is designed to provide a detailed view of a range of additional statistics – particularly focused on 12 months of the most recent year.

For the GSD2020, this ‘B’ Page looks as follows:

Click here, or on the image, for more detail about the ‘B’ Page.

The advantage of this format is that it enables data to be reported, on the same basis, for all DUIDs!


(B)  How you can access the GSD2020?

Please choose which category your organisation falls into:

The Product How to Download the GSD2020
… for those who have already ordered
This is how to Order the GSD2020
… if you have not yet done so
Electronic PDF
We’ll set your access up soon after receiving your order. Clients can download the electronic PDF of the GSD2020:

Download GSD2020

You’ll need to set up your own unique log-in, using your organisational email address in order to access:

  • it’s a large (48Mb – for 720 pages) PDF so keep this in mind if on a low-speed link
  • this process works in Chrome, Edge and Safari (but not currently in Internet Explorer).

One bound hard-copy is also being supplied as well (if we have your best postal address).

Please complete this Order Form and send back to us:

Order Form GSD2020

After we receive your order, we will:
(1)  Set you up with electronic access at the site above (hence be sure to specify your corporate email address); and
(2)  Deliver your bound-hard copy once they are printed (hence be sure to let us know where to deliver this); and
(3)  Process your payment and provide a tax invoice.


We look forward to hearing back from you!


(C)  Eight Analysts present some initial insights, from the GSD2020

In conjunction with the launch of the GSD2020, we’ve asked eight different analysts to independently delve into the detail of data published in the GSD2020 and share some of the things that jumped out to them in the following articles:


Analyst Brief description of what they covered
Allan O’Neil
Allan O'Neil
Allan O’Neil is one of our most frequency guest authors on WattClarity.

On Monday 1st February 2021, Allan contributes his article ‘Transition Fooled?’ with a particular focus on using some examples of historical performance of gas-fired generation to consider the prospects of a ‘gas fired recovery’ and ‘gas as a transition fuel’.

Ben Willacy
Ben Willacy has contributed several articles here on WattClarity previously.

In conjunction with the launch of the GSD2020, on Monday 1st February 2021 Ben contributes his article ‘Supply side price drivers in the NEM’, for readers here.

Mark Stedwell
In his first guest authored article for WattClarity, Mark Stedwell has utilised the GSD2020 to explore different aspects of performance in 2020 via his ‘Energy Transition: it was Full Steam ahead in 2020!’ article.

Mark uses a number of phrases to describe the GSD2020, such as:

  • ‘single source of truth’
  • ‘a genius visual layout’
  • ‘the GSD2020 is the ultimate ‘go to’ for a vast array of relevant and well-presented information’
Marcelle Gannon
Marcelle Gannon (who joined us in March 2020 and had already contributed 11 articles prior to this point) has contributed her 12th article with ‘Using the GSD2020 to explore operating patterns across generation types’

This article is particularly useful for explaining the usefulness of the ‘RRP Energy Harvest’ chart at the bottom of the ‘B’ Page.

David Leitch
At the same time last year, David Leitch contributed his first article for WattClarity (coincidentally also sharing insights from the earlier GSD2019).

In his article ‘Highlights from the 2020 GSD’, David Leitch shares some of the things that jumped out to him from his initial review of an early draft version of the GSD2020.

Paul McArdle
On Friday last week (29th January) I’d published ‘Prior to the wider release of the GSD2020 … here’s a 10-year trend of bidding behaviour’ using data aggregated across all units from what had been presented on the ‘A’ Pages for each unit individually.

On Thursday 4th February, a large impairment by AGL Energy prompted me to use the GSD2020 to explore some questions in ‘AGL Energy announces $2.6b impairment … of which $1.9b for legacy wind farm off-take agreements’.

On Friday 5th February 2020  I published a (rather long) article ‘Which units were most impacted by constraints in 2020?’ exploring some of the insights accessible from the GSD2020 with respect to constraints (a very important topic).

Nick Bartels

On Friday 12th February, Nick Bartels contributed this  ‘Analysis of Large Thermals using the GSD2020’ as a very topical contribution, given the discussions in recent weeks about asset values at AGL Energy, Origin Energy and the QLD Gencos.

The following Thursday (18th Feb), Nick followed up with by asking ‘What does the GSD2020 reveal, about the challenges facing the 12 x AGL coal-fired units’ , using a similar approach.


Jonathon Dyson
Jonathon Dyson is Principal Analyst at Greenview Strategic Consulting, and co-producer of this GSD2020.

On Tuesday 30th March, in his article ‘Solar Returns – Ain’t what they used to be’, Jonathon Dyson shared some initial perspectives from the GSD2020 pertaining to solar farms.

More will follow…


(D)  Place your order today for the GSD2020

We’d invite you to place your order today:


We look forward to hearing back from you!

About the Author

Paul McArdle
Paul was one of the founders of Global-Roam in February 2000. He is currently the CEO of the company and the principal author of WattClarity. Writing for WattClarity has become a natural extension of his work in understanding the electricity market, enabling him to lead the team in developing better software for clients. Before co-founding the company, Paul worked as a Mechanical Engineer for the Queensland Electricity Commission in the early 1990s. He also gained international experience in Japan, the United States, Canada, the UK, and Argentina as part of his ES Cornwall Memorial Scholarship.

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