Energy Transition

A large collection of articles pertaining to the ongoing ‘Energy Transition’ in any of a number of ways.

Specific sub-categories relate to such things as Coal Closure, and other aspects of the transition.


If you increase your consumption of energy at a time when average emissions intensity is low, you’re not necessarily doing a good thing for the environment

A quick note about the need to avoid focusing on average emissions intensity (for the wrong reasons) and losing sight of the fact that it’s the emissions intensity of the next marginal unit of production that should be used for making short-term consumption decisions (if the objective is reducing your environmental footprint, as an energy user).

No Guarantee of Success

Our guest author, Allan O’Neil, poses a number of questions about the recently proposed “National Energy Guarantee” (NEG)

The Emotion-o-Meter

A figurative illustration of the broad range of people we’re increasingly seeing weighing into the discussion about the future of the energy sector. Itself a challenge for the transition.