Yallourn Power Station

Yallourn unit 3 back offline again

Late yesterday I noted how the situation at Yallourn was more complex than we had been initially thinking, so it was no surprise to see Yallourn unit 3 come back offline early this morning to conserve dwindling fuel supplies: Above…

Mothballing logic, and reason?

Recent events in the NEM are causing me to wonder whether we’ve suspended logic, and reason, in charting a workable course through this energy transition?

Four units trip in Victoria on Easter Saturday

A quick look at Saturday 11th April (Easter Saturday) where there were major reductions in output at 4 units across Victoria – 3 coal units in the Latrobe Valley and the Macarthur Wind Farm out in western Victoria, probably related.

Yallourn is limping back into service

Following some questions yesterday (from clients and others) we take a quick look at how Yallourn Power Station is progressing in coming back from outage caused by inundation from the nearby river.