Evening LOR2 in the QLD region – and early ‘summer’ evening
A quick note about an actual LOR2 condition in the QLD region - Thursday 28th October 2021
A quick note about an actual LOR2 condition in the QLD region - Thursday 28th October 2021
Some quick notes about a price spike seen over 4 dispatch intervals this morning in South Australia - Wed 27th Oct 2021.
A trend of monthly total number of bids shows clear indication of 'the rise of the auto-bidder'.
It's Sunday 24th October 2021 and the AEMO's new Centralised Negawatt Dispatch Mechanism has started operations. What can we see?
Capping off a weekend of new low points for minimum demand in NSW, and NEM-wide (and some near misses elsewhere) this table sums up where the low points...
Slightly later than happened for the NSW region, here's the stats for the large reduction for 'minimum demand' on a NEM-wide basis for Sunday 17th October 2021
A quick look backwards, later in the afternoon, at the new 'lowest ever' point reached for demand in the NSW region.
A short note to recognise that the 'low point record' has been nudged lower on several fronts already (Sun 17th Oct) ... and forecast to drop further still
Looks like Sunday 17th October will be an interesting day, with a new 'record low' for Operational Demand on a NEM-wide basis forecast by AEMO!
A short note at a 'new normal' condition that we can expect to see increasingly in NEM regions (including QLD) as rooftop PV continues to grow in scale.
Here's the event details for the discussion scheduled for Thursday 2nd December 2021 about 'Early insights from Five Minute Settlement', thanks to AIE Brisbane.
Another interim build of ez2view gives me an excuse to have another look at changes in bidding patterns at selected Wind, Solar and Coal units.
On Wednesday afternoon some high prices forecast for South Australia from Thursday morning prompted a question from a Large Energy User client.
On Wednesday 13th October 2021, TransGrid released it's 'Energy Vision', containing modelled results for 6 different scenarios out till 2050.
Following a period when it was placed on the back-burner, due to other priorities, we've now re-started the development process for GenInsights21 and would invite you to pre-order...
Ben Domensino from WeatherZone has provided this summary about what we can expect to see across Australia during the 2021-22 summer weather season.
Some activity alerts prompt this short look at how the Victoria Big Battery is recovering from the industrial fire that took it out of action for a number...
This morning (Fri 8th Oct) the AEMO has released its Incident Report into what happened on 25th May 2021, starting with problems at Callide C4.
Following from some analytical work performed in testing for Five Minute Settlement, here's a view of latency of rebids (all DUIDs, all commodities) in recent months that prompts...
The AEMC recently published a draft determination on Primary Frequency Response - proposing it remain mandatory, and to introduce big changes to the causer-pays process, including payments for...