The Generator Statistical Digest 2021 (GSD2021) is released
We're please to note that the Generator Statistical Digest 2021 (a.k.a. GSD2021) is available to clients from Monday 28th March 2022.
We're please to note that the Generator Statistical Digest 2021 (a.k.a. GSD2021) is available to clients from Monday 28th March 2022.
On Thursday 17th March, Jonathon Dyson presented at the CEC Wind Industry Forum in Melbourne about the increasing role of auto-bidding and self-forecasting in the modern-day NEM. In...
A summary of the media references we've spotted since we released our GenInsights21 report in mid-December.
Following from the release of GenInsights21, in this article we look at some of what that analytical publication can help us understand, in terms of how the changing...
Occasional guest author, David Leitch, grasped an opportunity for an early read of GenInsights21 - and shares some of his observations here with WattClarity readers.
Last Wednesday (15th December) we released GenInsights21. In this article we provide a full list of the 28 Appendices included with the publication, and from which many of...
It's Wednesday 15th December 2021 and we have released GenInsights21 (a deep dive exploration, asking what history can tell us of the challenges and requirements of the accelerating...
Here's the 6th Dec 2021 status update on your GenInsights21 release - we've completed (most of) the work for you, just need to wrap it all together by...
A short article (in the midst of GenInsights21 completion) more broadly sharing 2 good news stories from AEMO in the context of the NEMDE dispatch process.
A second 'mystery DUID' puzzle ... perhaps more complex than the first ... from GenInsights21, for those who like to be challenged in ways like these.
Under four weeks to the release of GenInsights21 we thought we'd share this puzzle with our readers on Wattclarity ... can you name these 5 x mystery DUIDs...
A short article today, to share an image from the upcoming GenInsights21 release, and to pose some questions - about what's been happening with the rise (and fall!)...
A trend of monthly total number of bids shows clear indication of 'the rise of the auto-bidder'.
Here's the event details for the discussion scheduled for Thursday 2nd December 2021 about 'Early insights from Five Minute Settlement', thanks to AIE Brisbane.
On Wednesday 13th October 2021, TransGrid released it's 'Energy Vision', containing modelled results for 6 different scenarios out till 2050.
Following a period when it was placed on the back-burner, due to other priorities, we've now re-started the development process for GenInsights21 and would invite you to pre-order...
Following from some analytical work performed in testing for Five Minute Settlement, here's a view of latency of rebids (all DUIDs, all commodities) in recent months that prompts...
Following from the ESB's Final Advice, and inspired by the one year anniversary of publications the MT PASA DUID Availability data sets by AEMO (thanks to the ERM-sponsored...
As Q2 2021 unfolded, it seemed that there were many instances where prices spiked during evening demand peaks - and that wind output was low at the time....
Prompted by last Friday's publication of the AER's 'Wholesale Markets Quarterly' for Q2 2021, here's a tabulated summary of some of the contributing factors of spot price volatility...