The Administered Price Cap has increased to $600/MWh as of today 1st December 2022
A rule change increasing the Administered Price Cap from $300/MWh to $600/MWh, submitted by Alinta Energy, has come into effect today.
A rule change increasing the Administered Price Cap from $300/MWh to $600/MWh, submitted by Alinta Energy, has come into effect today.
A short article, to record the upgrade of the ASEFS and AWEFS forecasts for Semi-Scheduled (i.e. Wind and Large Solar) units.
In GenInsights Quarterly Update for Q3 2022 we included an Appendix exploring what we could observe ‘One Year on from Five Minute Settlement’. In this article we share a small slice of what we learnt…
Also today (Thursday 10th November 2022) the ESB has released a Directions Paper on Transmission Access Reform – including suggestions for both Investment Timeframe and Operational Timeframe.
Tom Geiser of Neoen writes this think piece about cost-based modelling vs price-based modelling in the broader debate about transmission investment.
A short note about the AEMC’s Transmission Planning and Investment Review – Stage 2 Final Report released last week, and submissions on Stage 3 Draft Report due this coming Thursday 3rd November.
James Allan of Quinbrook Infrastructure Partners discusses the potential benefits of moving to hourly RECs.
Some brief notes about the publication by the AEMC (on Thu 8th Sept 2022) of the Final Determination with respect to PFR Incentive Arrangements.
Another high profile report that’s been released this week is today’s Reliability Standard and Settings Review (from the Reliability Panel)… flagging some changes to settings from 1st July 2025, and some further changes after that time.
On 7th July 2022 the AEMO published the final ‘High Level Design’ for the IESS implementation.
A short article about the rule change proposed by Alinta Energy to raise the APC … quite topical given Q2 2022.
A short article noting the ESB’s release of high-level design of Capacity Mechanism.
On Thursday 17th March, Jonathon Dyson presented at the CEC Wind Industry Forum in Melbourne about the increasing role of auto-bidding and self-forecasting in the modern-day NEM. In this article, he shares some of the key points from that presentation.
Catching up on recent developments, this AEMC Rule Determination (enabling AEMO to deal with ‘indistinct events’) caught my eye.
On Tuesday 21st December 2021 the AER requested the AEMC to consider changing the prescriptive requirements in the Rules for the AER to analyse particular types of market outcomes in particular ways, and instead provide the AER more flexibility in what its analysis covers.
Same day as we released GenInsights21, the AEMO published its High Level Design on how they will implement the AEMC Rule Change determination on Integrating Energy Storage Systems (IESS) into the NEM. Here’s the key dates.
Occasional guest author, David Leitch, grasped an opportunity for an early read of GenInsights21 – and shares some of his observations here with WattClarity readers.
Earlier today, the AEMC released a final determination on a market rule change regarding the registration and participation of storage systems in the NEM.
Some of our readers might be able to help us answer this question …
The AEMC recently published a draft determination on Primary Frequency Response – proposing it remain mandatory, and to introduce big changes to the causer-pays process, including payments for good performance.