Media buzz about compensation for Gladstone Power Station under the coal price cap
Two media articles (in the Guardian and the Australian) prompt a quick article, utilising an in-development copy of the up-coming GSD2022.
A collection of the articles about the confluence of events (both domestic and international) that contributed to the full-blown Energy Crisis in 2022 that’s been described as ‘worst in 50 years’
Two media articles (in the Guardian and the Australian) prompt a quick article, utilising an in-development copy of the up-coming GSD2022.
Today (Thu 15th Dec 2022) the AER released its 'June 2022: Market events investigation report', which might be widely read.
Striving to catch up on a couple weeks away, today I've tried to piece together the current state of deliberations about the potential (and rushed) implementation of caps...
Another headline report released in the past couple weeks was the ACCC's 8th update of its ‘Inquiry into the National Electricity Market’
It's taken longer than expected - but today I've posted this article that goes some way to answering the question 'to what extent was solar production disappointing through...
Dan Lee provides some exploratory calculations in order to estimate the total cost of maintaining electricity supply throughout a very turbulent June.
With the AER having released its 'Wholesale Markets Quarterly' for Q2 2022 yesterday, I skimmed and saw 9 discrete factors flagged ... each of which contributed to the...
... flagging (for WattClarity readers and subscribers) a useful contribution from Ben Skinner at the AEC to explore and explain some aspects of the June 2022 Market Suspension...
On Thursday 18th August 2022 the AEMO has released its report into the Market Suspension during June 2022. Will make for interesting reading ...
A short note flagging AEMO's publication (dated 15th August 2022) about compensation payments for the June 2022 events.
A belated and back-dated article to point to the EnergyAustralia Media Release of 8th August 2022 following the Energy Crisis.
On Friday morning 29th July 2022 the AEMO is releasing its 'Quarterly Energy Dynamics' for Q2 2022 - I've flipped through an embargoed copy and have highlighted here...
Now that we're past Market Suspension, we take a look back and see file creation latency improve prior to the end of Market Suspension.
On 4th July the AEMC published their second 'Notice of Receipt of Claims' with respect to compensation under the Administered Pricing period in June 2022.
After many years in a row, we return (in the midst of the '2022 Energy Crisis') to review the pricing patterns in the NEM and the WEM for...
RERT (Reserve Trader) dispatched in QLD.
This morning we also saw a sizeable drop (just over 1,300MW) in Available Generation the QLD region ... which appears to have triggered an 'Actual LOR2' condition.
This morning (Tue 5th july 2022) AEMO announces it may see the need to trigger Reserve Trader this evening.
Second (linked) article this evening, spelling out the two theories we're aware of with respect to why some participants might have withdrawn capacity from the NEMDE dispatch/pricing run...
With Market Suspension (just) behind us, in this weekend article we take a look over the past 16 days to see how volumes offered to the market from...