2022-11 SA islanded

On Saturday 12th November 2022, most of the South Australian region was islanded from the eastern part of the NEM after wild storms damaged transmission infrastructure near Tailem Bend. Here’s a collection of articles relating to this.

Who drove FCAS on the island

Close to $31.5M of revenue was generated in the FCAS markets in SA over the seven days that the region was frequency separated from the rest of the...

Why the Adelaide storm was so intense

Ant Sharwood of Weatherzone provides some insights into the intensity of last weekend's thunderstorms in South Australia, which had severe impacts on the state's transmission network.

FCAS driving the island?

Guest author, Allan O'Neil, contributes his first article with respect to the islanding event in South Australia of November 2022 (in this article taking a look at FCAS...