A quick look at the (tight) QLD+NSW supply stack, on Tuesday evening 3rd May 2022
A first after-the-fact review of the price volatility seen in QLD and NSW on Tuesday evening, 2nd May 2022. What were some of the causal factors?
A first after-the-fact review of the price volatility seen in QLD and NSW on Tuesday evening, 2nd May 2022. What were some of the causal factors?
Evening volatility re-occurs - in QLD and NSW on Wednesday 4th May 2022
A short note about this evening's price volatility in QLD and NSW with tight supply-demand balance caused by import limitations (amongst other things).
A quick record of some evening volatility in QLD on Thu 28th April 2022.
A short article highlighting price volatility this evening in QLD ... spreading further south.
Spot price up at $1,000/MWh in QLD for over an hour on Friday evening, 1st April 2022.
A short article describing the run of volatility seen in QLD on Tuesday evening, 8th March 2022
Guest author, Allan O'Neil, returns to WattClarity with this review of southern region prices on Monday 31st January 2022 to highlight one example of counterprice flows on the...
Some 'interesting' price outcomes seen today in NSW and QLD.
A short morning article, looking forwards to this evening's forecast tight supply/demand balance (and possible load shedding) in the QLD region.
A short (and first) look at some of the market activity on a volatile evening in several regions - SA and VIC, and with QLD joining the fray...
A short article about some evening volatility in the QLD region on Sunday 30th January 2022.
A quick note about the price spikes seen in South Australia in the middle of the day on Monday 10th January 2022.
This morning I've taken a quick look at market activity in South Australia on Thursday evening, 30th December 2021.
A quick look at this evening's volatility.
Price volatility in South Australia on Wednesday morning, 16th December reminds of the observations made in GenInsights21
Here's a snapshot of the ‘Unit Dashboard’ widget in ez2view of the HPRG1 unit (i.e. the pre-IESS generation side DUID for the Hornsdale Power Reserve) on Monday 13th...
Some price volatility in South Australia on Monday 13th December 2021
A quick look at three price spikes seen late afternoon in QLD on Monday 4th October 2021.
As Q2 2021 unfolded, it seemed that there were many instances where prices spiked during evening demand peaks - and that wind output was low at the time....