Price volatility in South Australia Thursday evening 30th December 2021
This morning I've taken a quick look at market activity in South Australia on Thursday evening, 30th December 2021.
This morning I've taken a quick look at market activity in South Australia on Thursday evening, 30th December 2021.
A short article following a price spike in SA on Thursday afternoon, 30th December 2021
On Tuesday 21st December 2021 the AER requested the AEMC to consider changing the prescriptive requirements in the Rules for the AER to analyse particular types of market...
Same day as we released GenInsights21, the AEMO published its High Level Design on how they will implement the AEMC Rule Change determination on Integrating Energy Storage Systems...
With GenInsights21 released two weeks ago (and only yesterday all pre-orders and orders processed and invoices provided, as noted here) I’m catching up on a number of different...
Out-of-the-blue, the price spikes up near $10,000/MWh in South Australia on an otherwise 'boring' day ... a sign of what we should expect increasingly in future?
A quick look at Tuesday 28th December 2021 - when 'Market Demand' (but not 'Operational Demand') fell a shade lower than the prior low point record.
Occasional guest author, David Leitch, grasped an opportunity for an early read of GenInsights21 - and shares some of his observations here with WattClarity readers.
A very brief look into how many units have been registered for the WDRM, and how many MW have been dispatched since the rule change was implemented roughly...
A quick look at this evening's volatility.
Last Wednesday (15th December) we released GenInsights21. In this article we provide a full list of the 28 Appendices included with the publication, and from which many of...
A first quick look at an elevated price event in the QLD region on Monday 20th December 2021
Price volatility in South Australia on Wednesday morning, 16th December reminds of the observations made in GenInsights21
It's Wednesday 15th December 2021 and we have released GenInsights21 (a deep dive exploration, asking what history can tell us of the challenges and requirements of the accelerating...
Here's a snapshot of the ‘Unit Dashboard’ widget in ez2view of the HPRG1 unit (i.e. the pre-IESS generation side DUID for the Hornsdale Power Reserve) on Monday 13th...
Low wind harvest, NEM-wide, was a feature of Tuesday 14th December 2021.
Some price volatility in South Australia on Monday 13th December 2021
A short note about the release, earlier this week, by the AEMO of the 'Initial Roadmap' in the NEM Engineering Framework.
Yesterday, Friday 10th December 2021, the AEMO released it's draft of the 2022 Integrated System Plan - and it has created a bit of a stir with some...
Some price volatility in QLD on Thursday evening, 9th December 2021 presenting a small distraction on our GenInsights21 completion process.