How common are islandings and transmission tower failures in the NEM?
In light of recent events, Dan Lee does some digging to find historical incidences of islandings and transmission tower failures.
In light of recent events, Dan Lee does some digging to find historical incidences of islandings and transmission tower failures.
Today (Thu 15th Dec) the AER published their Wholesale electricity market performance report 2022 - their third report in this series.
Today (Thu 15th Dec 2022) the AER released its 'June 2022: Market events investigation report', which might be widely read.
Striving to catch up on a couple weeks away, today I've tried to piece together the current state of deliberations about the potential (and rushed) implementation of caps...
Another headline report released in the past couple weeks was the ACCC's 8th update of its ‘Inquiry into the National Electricity Market’
Three other reports released by AEMO on 1st December 2022 will also make for interesting reading.
A short note to mark the agreed introduction of a "Capacity Investment Scheme" ... but not for fossil-fuelled assets.
First day back in the NEM after a break and I see the that the ‘N-RVYS_2’ Constraint Set is contributing to morning price volatility in the NSW region...
Close to $31.5M of revenue was generated in the FCAS markets in SA over the seven days that the region was frequency separated from the rest of the...
An email alert notified me of a sudden drop in wind and solar generation (primarily in VIC and SA) at around 3pm this afternoon.
A successful return to service for the Waddamana to Palmerston 220 kV lines following damage sustained during landslides on 14 October 2022.
Last week the AEMO released a preliminary report into the trip of the South East – Tailem Bend 275 kV line that caused SA to be islanded from...
Today the AEMO released a 101-page engineering framework report on the steps required to operate the NEM at 100% instataneous penetrations of renewables.
A rule change increasing the Administered Price Cap from $300/MWh to $600/MWh, submitted by Alinta Energy, has come into effect today.
QLD looks like it will be without Callide's C3 unit until at least February 2023.
Administered Pricing has ended for FCAS in SA after roughly 12 days.
Yesterday's note from ElectraNet prompted this initial summary of some of what we've seen happen with the SA islanding event over the last 12 days.
A short article, to record the upgrade of the ASEFS and AWEFS forecasts for Semi-Scheduled (i.e. Wind and Large Solar) units.
James Martin from SwitchDin, provides an overview of the state of distributed energy management, and how it relates to last week's events in SA.
On Saturday evening 19th November 2022 the Heywood interconnector returned to service following temporary repairs to the tower damaged on Saturday 12th November.