
Yallourn unit 3 back offline again

Late yesterday I noted how the situation at Yallourn was more complex than we had been initially thinking, so it was no surprise to see Yallourn unit 3 come back offline early this morning to conserve dwindling fuel supplies: Above…

Mothballing logic, and reason?

Recent events in the NEM are causing me to wonder whether we’ve suspended logic, and reason, in charting a workable course through this energy transition?

A brief look back at reactions to negative prices in the 14:30 trading period on Friday 1st March 2019

Yesterday I noted what appeared to be trips of two solar farms – Gannawarra and Karadoc – within a single dispatch interval and coincident with a period of volatile prices. Also yesterday, Dylan McConnell flagged a drop in output at the brown coal plant around the same time, with some questions. With the benefit of access to yesterday’s bids, today I have a look at the 5 power stations (pending a broader review next week by guest author, Allan O’Neil).