Spot price and demand up in QLD on a hot and humid Monday 20th December 2021
A first quick look at an elevated price event in the QLD region on Monday 20th December 2021
A first quick look at an elevated price event in the QLD region on Monday 20th December 2021
Some price volatility in South Australia on Monday 13th December 2021
Some price volatility in QLD on Thursday evening, 9th December 2021 presenting a small distraction on our GenInsights21 completion process.
Second short article, looking into what has been happening through Queensland on Thursday 11th November 2021.
Some price volatility in NSW and (especially) QLD region on Thursday 11th November 2021.
It was too tempting to take some time today to look back on the first fully 5-minute bids from Friday 1st October (the start of Five Minute Settlement)...
Only ~11 weeks after the end of Q2 2021 we're still exploring details of the extreme price outcomes. Here's some of the ways in which solar PV played...
A quick record of some morning volatility in QLD and NSW ... both due to tight supply/demand balance with interconnectors constrained.
A short note about the first of a number of dispatch interval price spikes in the QLD region on Wednesday evening, 21st July 2021.
A short article that might be referred back to later following a spot price spike (in QLD and NSW), and what looks like demand response (in QLD).
Some brief notes about a morning price spike today in NSW (Wednesday 14th July 2021).
A snapshot of the start of price volatility in QLD and NSW on Monday 12th July 2021.
A short note about the start of the evening price spikes on Tuesday 6th July 2021 (these are ongoing, at the time this was posted).
For a second portion of Q2 “elephant eating”, I’ll look in some detail at the dynamics of an early instance of spot price volatility in Queensland, because many...
A short article noting volatility rolls into Thursday evening, 10th June 2021
Only two dispatch intervals (thus far?) of extreme pricing tonight for QLD and NSW (Wed 2nd June 2021). Here's the first one...
Carl Daley from EnergyByte, provides more insight into the events of last Tuesday, which culminated in widespread blackouts throughout Queensland.
On Friday evening (28th May) and again this evening (Sun 30th May) my phone buzzed plenty of times - due to price volatility, and also alerting on low...
Following yesterday's incidents (plural!) we see prices forecast to be high this evening in QLD as well.
Was speaking with someone this morning about the expectation that there would be price volatility this evening, and the market obliged. It’s only just started, but here’s the...