NEMDE nightmares – parallel pathways and clashing constraints
Prompted by a question by a client in a training session for a new ez2view user, guest author Allan O'Neil has written 2,940 words to explain the price...
Prompted by a question by a client in a training session for a new ez2view user, guest author Allan O'Neil has written 2,940 words to explain the price...
Guest author Allan O'Neil looks at how operation of Project EnergyConnect Stage 1 may affect market outcomes, with some early indications that impacts won't be as straightforward as...
We already noted this a few times recently, but we thought it would be worth separating out as its own article under the ‘Energy Literacy’ category, as it’s...
A short note, recording MN118771 about testing for PEC stage 1.
A short note about Market Notice 118672, as that will be of interest to many of our readers.
Spot price volatility was observed in SA on the morning of 18 July 2024.
A brief run of high energy prices in SA on 4th June 2024 was observed in the evening. Energy prices as projected in the predispatch runs from earlier...
In this article we look again at Tuesday 13th February 2024 (Victoria's ‘Major Power System Event’) and sum up the impact of the event on net exports from...
Prices in SA have spiked to close to the market cap and remained elevated, following the invocation of the 'I-VS_250' constraint set due to extreme weather conditions.
We're seeing an increasing number of claims on social media along the lines of 'South Australia exporting more than it imports'. Whilst that was true around 2019, it's...
Continuing network outage, and weather conditions, leads to long duration of elevated price in SA over the weekend.
Some quick notes about volatility in SA on Friday evening 11th August 2023.
Light winds and a constrained interconnector contributed to elevated prices on 1 August 2023.
Yesterday's note from ElectraNet prompted this initial summary of some of what we've seen happen with the SA islanding event over the last 12 days.
On Saturday evening 19th November 2022 the Heywood interconnector returned to service following temporary repairs to the tower damaged on Saturday 12th November.
Fifth article for Monday 14th November 2022 ... taking a quick initial look at the sequence of events immediately around the islanding in South Australia on Saturday 12th...
Electranet have posted a short update in the middle of the day, Sunday 13th November 2022.
An initial article with the islanding of the South Australian region on Saturday evening, 12th November 2022.
A run of volatility in South Australia lasting ~90 minutes triggered a few alerts.
A quick look at market volatility in the South Australian region of the NEM on Tuesday 17th May 2022.