Morning volatility in QLD and NSW on Thursday 22nd July 2021
A quick record of some morning volatility in QLD and NSW ... both due to tight supply/demand balance with interconnectors constrained.
A quick record of some morning volatility in QLD and NSW ... both due to tight supply/demand balance with interconnectors constrained.
A short note about the first of a number of dispatch interval price spikes in the QLD region on Wednesday evening, 21st July 2021.
A look this morning at the new record (set yesterday - Tuesday 20th July) for NEM-wide wind production.
Tom Geiser discusses transmission access and the efficacy of Renewable Energy Zones. He examines what the underlying problems are and how they can be solved directly.
Another slippage on return to service expectation for Callide C3 ... now expected Friday 23rd July.
A quick look at monthly stats shows that, whilst it's been blowing a gale in SE Australia in recent days, it's not yet set a new 'peak instantaneous...
Returning to the price spike in NSW on Wednesday morning (to $15,100/MWh for 3 dispatch intervals) to explore some of the reasons why it happened - and why...
A short article that might be referred back to later following a spot price spike (in QLD and NSW), and what looks like demand response (in QLD).
Coincident with the AEMC's Final Determination yesterday (Thu 15th July) on FFR, there was also the Draft Determination published on Energy Storage Systems. Here are some (very) early...
A quick note following AEMC publication of final determination on Fast Frequency Response (FFR).
A back-dated article looking back at Daniel Westerman's keynote address at CEDA on 14th July 2021.
Some brief notes about a morning price spike today in NSW (Wednesday 14th July 2021).
This morning we see that there's been another slippage of expected return to service for Callide C3 - which will now have been offline over 8 weeks since...
A snapshot of the start of price volatility in QLD and NSW on Monday 12th July 2021.
Straight out of the pages of the FinReview and into spot price outcomes in the NEM on Sunday 11th July 2021!
Last week, the AEMO submitted a rule change request to the AEMC for a redevelopment of the ST PASA process (and data sets published - to facilitate what...
Electricity prices are up this morning across the mainland, with one of the main contributors being high spot gas prices.
There's been a 6-month delay in return to service expectation for the damaged Callide C4 unit.
More changes to retirement schedules in the market prompt me to power up the 'MT PASA DUID Availability' widget in ez2view once again...
A short note about the start of the evening price spikes on Tuesday 6th July 2021 (these are ongoing, at the time this was posted).