Updated long-term trend of Victorian minimum demand
With forecasts for low demand tomorrow (Sat 28th Sept 2024) in VIC during the middle of the day, we take a quick look at how forecasts compare to...
With forecasts for low demand tomorrow (Sat 28th Sept 2024) in VIC during the middle of the day, we take a quick look at how forecasts compare to...
A short post looking back >14 years over trends of daily maximum demand in QLD
With Challicum Hills Wind Farm recently celebrating its 20th anniversary, Dan Lee takes a look into the long-term trend of technical and commercial performance of the oldest wind...
Dan Lee looks at twenty years of capacity factors for wind farms to see if they are improving in line with recent discussion and long-term modelling assumptions.
For a couple of reasons, I've updated/extended the trend of monthly aggregate statistics for wind farms across the NEM ... now out till the end of August 2023.
One year on from a market-wide suspension, Dan Lee provides a review of Q2 prices for 2023 so that we can examine some of the longer-term price trends.
A quick updated look at how Aggregate Wind-Farm Production has trended since 2010 to now.
To mark the end of the financial year, Dan Lee writes this explainer about MLFs and gives some examples of noticeable long-term MLF trends within the NEM.
Let's start with this broader analysis of this 2022 Energy Crisis by looking at the long-term series of monthly average spot prices across all regions...
It’s 1st April 2022, and I have not checked these stats in NEMreview v7 for a while, so I thought I would have a quick look at how ...
Under four weeks to the release of GenInsights21 we thought we'd share this puzzle with our readers on Wattclarity ... can you name these 5 x mystery DUIDs...
An old adage runs that to eat an elephant, it’s best to proceed in small servings. With a very eventful Q2 in the NEM not yet finished, the...
A longer-term trend of the incidence of negative prices across each region of the NEM ... and, most interestingly, the pattern by time of day.
This morning (Thursday 27th August 2020) we saw the AEMO release the 2020 edition of the Electricity Statement of Opportunities.
As we have the time, we’ll provide some commentary here about the methods used by the various bodies for “long term” (which in the NEM means 10-years, typically)...