guest author

What is the point of the RRO?

Ben Skinner asks some philosophical questions about the Retail Reliability Obligation (RRO), and provides some commentary about its past and future.

Summer 2023-24 demand – high or low?

Inspired (or provoked) by Paul’s earlier article noting ‘NEM-wide demand has been quite low through summer 2023-24 (at least to date)’, guest author Allan O’Neil takes a look at how aggregate consumption stacks up for this summer, compared to prior.

SA Islanding: Managing solar on the island

In our third guest authored post this week, Blake Ashton from SA Power Networks talks about the SA islanding event that occurred just over twelve months ago – how SAPN managed solar curtailment, and how their new ‘flexible exports’ option can address future challenges.

What’s happening around Wagga?

Guest author, Allan O’Neil, takes a detailed look at how VIC1-NSW1 transfer capability has been limited frequently due to constraints related to the 051 line in southern NSW, and what it means in terms of inter-regional settlements residue accumulations, market efficiency overall, and the energy transition.

Stock up on candles?

Last Thursday (31st Aug 2023) the AEMO published the ESOO 2023, including forecasts of some possibility of unserved energy in Victoria and South Australia this coming summer 2023-24 (above the Interim Reliability Measure). Guest author Allan O’Neil takes a look.

Let’s talk about Inertia

Inertia is an important concept to understand as the technology mix in the NEM evolves during the energy transition. In this article, Jonathon Dyson talks about the importance of inertia and highlights an example of a specific incident where we observed relatively low levels of inertia in the NEM.