Late afternoon and Evening run of volatility in NSW and QLD, on Thursday 7th November 2024
It was a hot and sweaty walk home from the Brisbane office late this afternoon, accompanied by the incessant buzzing of my phone … due to the run...
It was a hot and sweaty walk home from the Brisbane office late this afternoon, accompanied by the incessant buzzing of my phone … due to the run...
David Leitch provides his top insights from reading his (pre-published) copy of our GSD2023 - due to be released later this week.
A year ago we reviewed the market outcomes of wholesale demand response (WDR) in the NEM. It’s been 2 years now, providing a new milestone from which to...
The 2023 ESOO contains some data, and comments, about Demand Response that have us scratching our heads...
Taking a look on the demand side of the equation, to see what was visible of demand side responses during the tight supply/demand balance period in Queensland on...
Recent WDR activity on January 31 took advantage of the spicy Victorian wholesale energy prices that eventuated in the late afternoon and early evening under unusual circumstances.
The calls for restraint on energy use are an understandable step, given the very tight supply-demand balance.
It's Sunday 24th October 2021 and the AEMO's new Centralised Negawatt Dispatch Mechanism has started operations. What can we see?
On Wednesday afternoon some high prices forecast for South Australia from Thursday morning prompted a question from a Large Energy User client.
A short article that might be referred back to later following a spot price spike (in QLD and NSW), and what looks like demand response (in QLD).
A feature of the upcoming EMMS technical specification that distinguishes demand response units from scheduled loads could impact some users of NEM data, if left unmanaged.
A threshold for accuracy and threshold for bias has been set to evaluate whether a load’s baseline methodology is acceptable for the Wholesale Demand Response mechanism. Just prior...
With UQ recently publishing a performance review of their 1.1MW battery project for the 2020 calendar year, Andrew Wilson posts some extracts from the full report, particularly focusing...
Guest author and Economist at Monash University, Gordon Leslie, shares his personal experiences since switching to a real-time retail electricity plan.
A week ago (Thursday 21st Jan 2021) we received an email from AEMO following the publication of Draft Guidelines for the Wholesale Demand Response Mechanism. We share some...
Following a presentation to the EESA in September, Dr Robert May and Ashley Nicholls from SA Water have written a case study detailing the sophisticated energy management system...
A recent development over in the WEM (paying energy users to consume, when there's too much solar and wind) highlights the lack of foresight in the NEM ......
Considerations on how key aspects of the upcoming wholesale mechanism might dictate how much response capability will be realised once the mechanism goes live before Summer 2021-22
University of Queensland PhD candidate, Nicole Lashmar, is conducting a research project which aims to identify the motivations, risks and opportunities for businesses when deciding to participate in...
My understanding is that the AEMC's Final Rule relating to the push to implement a 'Negawatt Dispatch Mechanism' will be released in the morning. I wonder what the...