(The main part of) IESS goes live today – Monday 3rd June 2024
A short note (on Monday 3rd June 2024) with the IESS changes going live today.
A short note (on Monday 3rd June 2024) with the IESS changes going live today.
A question from a WattClarity reader this morning prompts this quick-and-cryptic review of NSW price volatility at 18:10 on Monday 20th May 2024, and particular output profile of...
Looking back 4 days (including Wed 8th May 2024) at NSW large-scale battery generator bidding.
A short article Thursday evening 28th September 2023 with the battery back online and charging, after the fire.
It's Wednesday morning 27th September 2023 and the fire that started last night at Bouldercombe BESS (Tesla battery for Genex) is still burning.
2 x AEMO Market Notices this afternoon prompt this article about four upcoming Market Enhancements ... with the first to planned to commence from next Monday 7th August...
Three other reports released by AEMO on 1st December 2022 will also make for interesting reading.
Same day as we released GenInsights21, the AEMO published its High Level Design on how they will implement the AEMC Rule Change determination on Integrating Energy Storage Systems...
A quick additional look at activity Tue 28th Sept 2021 for Victoria Big Battery - as seen in ez2view with the benefit of 'Next Day Public' data.
Two separate alerts received today about the Victoria Big Battery sent me looking for more information...
Some quick thoughts, spurred by Simon Hackett's comment in relation to the fire at the Victorian Big Battery
One Monday evening article noting reports that the fire at Victoria Big Battery is under control.
A short update on Sunday 1st August 2021, about the continuing fire at the Victoria Big Battery.
It's Saturday evening, and here's a look at what additional data I can see, in relation to the fire (and any after-effects) with the Victorian Big Battery.
Following the (very brief) initial article early this afternoon, here's some more of what we have been able to determine about today's fire at the new Victoria Big...
Coincident with the AEMC's Final Determination yesterday (Thu 15th July) on FFR, there was also the Draft Determination published on Energy Storage Systems. Here are some (very) early...
Guest Author, Warwick Forster, looks at designing a combined solar & storage business model for the NEM
Hornsdale Power Reserve a.k.a "World's biggest battery" achieves new milestones - discharged at a rate of 100MW and charged continuously for nearly 3 hours.
It's 1st December 2017 - the first day of summer, and also the promised delivery date for the "world's largest battery". In this updated post we look at...
It's Saturday 25th November 2017 and what is currently known as "the worlds biggest battery" has kicked into gear - charging for a couple hours this morning.