How much did it *actually* cost – the implementation of Five Minute Settlement?
Some of our readers might be able to help us answer this question ...
Some of our readers might be able to help us answer this question ...
It was too tempting to take some time today to look back on the first fully 5-minute bids from Friday 1st October (the start of Five Minute Settlement)...
It's quite early Friday morning, 1st October 2021 ... and Five Minute Settlement has commenced. Here's a *very* early initial look.
Sharing the AEMO's email this morning alerting the market to the 'full speed ahead to 5MS' notice.
For a second portion of Q2 “elephant eating”, I’ll look in some detail at the dynamics of an early instance of spot price volatility in Queensland, because many...
30-minute pre-dispatch provides critical forward price information to the NEM - but what exactly will it mean after five-minute settlement? Marcelle takes a look.
In this article we discuss the 1st of 3 Potential Tripwires that wholesale market participants and others will encounter from October 2021 ... with Tripwire #1 coming from...
Discussion in a number of different places (including an AFR article today) prompted me to pull some data together of how (spot and futures) prices have trended through...
Guest author and Economist at Monash University, Gordon Leslie, shares his personal experiences since switching to a real-time retail electricity plan.
The rule change that delayed the start of 5MS to 1st October 2021
Guest author, Allan O'Neil, invests some time to explore a number of different aspects of Easter Saturday (11th April 2020), each noteworthy in their own right (including low...
One of our guest authors, Allan O'Neil, takes a closer look at what happened in the South Australian region of the NEM on Monday 9th July 2018
A quick look back at the AEMC's Final Determination on Five Minute Settlement.
Tight import limits on the Heywood interconnector and a lull in wind output saw price volatility return to South Australia earlier this week
A volatile couple of days in Queensland, with demand response evident
Extremely hot weather in NSW and the NEM’s underappreciated “rail gauge mismatch” contributed to a sharp multi-state price spike during the afternoon peak
A look at last Friday’s short sharp price spike in Queensland and why it led to negative settlement residues on the interconnection with NSW
Hot weather drives Queensland demand higher than 9,000MW for the first time this summer - even with many people still out on holidays...
On 4th December 2015, Sun Metals (a zinc smelter in northern Queensland, and also one of our initial deSide® clients) submitted this rule change request to the AEMC:...
Some thoughts from another guest author, Greg Denton, about the current rule change proposal "Bidding in Good Faith" being assessed by the AEMC.