And so the daily solar bedtime story continues … on Wednesday 2nd June 2021 (with 4 x Callide units off, etc…)
Only two dispatch intervals (thus far?) of extreme pricing tonight for QLD and NSW (Wed 2nd June 2021). Here's the first one...
Only two dispatch intervals (thus far?) of extreme pricing tonight for QLD and NSW (Wed 2nd June 2021). Here's the first one...
In order to assist discussions on social media about what's been happening with Callide C4 over the past 10 years, using the GSD2020 I've published some actual detailed...
The AEMO has released its 22-page Preliminary Report into the Callide C4 Catastrophe and the subsequent events.
We've started exploring the constraint data from the QLD region for back on Tuesday 25th May 2021 (with the Callide C4 catastrophe) and here's some initial information.
A note of thanks to Mark Ludlow at the AFR for the compilation of some great initial information about what happened at Callide C4 unit just over a...
For ease of future reference, here is the list of events that occurred on Tuesday 25th May 2021 ... as we (currently) see them.
A number of things happened late today - with the trip of DDPS1 (only declare credible contingency earlier in the day) giving more impetus to spot price volatility...
First short article for Tuesday evening following report from CS Energy that the return to service
James Tetlow from Overwatch Energy explains an important rule change that was recently introduced that has seen a significant increase in the civil penalties for generators who fail...
This evening I've taken a first pass look at how QLD generators bid on Tuesday 25th May 2021, in response to the tight supply/demand balance created by the...
Whilst there were many things that went wrong on Tuesday 25th May 2021 (last week), guest author Allan O'Neil highlights that there were at least 4 things that...
Carl Daley from EnergyByte, provides more insight into the events of last Tuesday, which culminated in widespread blackouts throughout Queensland.
On Friday evening (28th May) and again this evening (Sun 30th May) my phone buzzed plenty of times - due to price volatility, and also alerting on low...
Two brief (but important) observations made possible with a chart published on RenewEconomy with respect to the Hornsdale Power Reserve.
A deeper look at the frequency data (our own, and also from some others) reveals a number of other interesting things about what happened on Tuesday 25th May...
My evening reading of an ABC news article (about Callide C) released this afternoon suggests a long, long and expensive outage for Callide C4.
Normally this would be part of a much more complete article adding to WattClarity’s growing coverage of the major power system events in Queensland following the incident at...
Sharing 7 of the 'Headline Questions' we're pondering, as we bury ourselves in the data surrounding the events that happened on Tuesday 25th May ... some of which...
Following yesterday's incidents (plural!) we see prices forecast to be high this evening in QLD as well.
Part 5 in an expanding series, looking at what happened in QLD on Tuesday 25th May 2021 - this one looking at system frequency.