Batteries, coal revenues and demand response units: Insights from the GSD2023
David Leitch provides his top insights from reading his (pre-published) copy of our GSD2023 - due to be released later this week.
David Leitch provides his top insights from reading his (pre-published) copy of our GSD2023 - due to be released later this week.
Noting an earlier article on PV Magazine about a direction from Energy Safe Victoria relating to the Cohuna Solar Farm, we take a quick initial look at operations...
Yesterday (Thu 22nd Dec 2023), Dan Lee posted a summary of WattClarity service through 2023 on our company website. Today I'm sharing that with WattClarity readers here.
This morning I was fortunate to listen into an ESIG Webinar with respect to their report 'Weather Dataset Needs for Planning and Analyzing Modern Power Systems'
Following the release of GenInsights Quarterly Updates for 2023 Q3 we've chosen to share here one of the clear challenges for large-scale VRE that is emerging (particularly in...
Guest author, Allan O'Neil, takes a detailed look at how VIC1-NSW1 transfer capability has been limited frequently due to constraints related to the 051 line in southern NSW,...
Yesterday (Wed 18th Oct 2023) Origin Energy held its Annual General Meeting, with discussion wide-ranging. Here's two things that jumped out to me about the Eraring Power Station,...
A quick article on WattClarity pointing to some research completed by Shukla Poddar and others about what future solar profile might be across Australia, in a climate changed...
Dan Lee looks into utility-scale storage in Queensland - including the need for megawatt-hours, the state of the build-out, and the current market price signal for duration.
It is indispensable to understand how the semi-scheduled unit availability gets produced to optimally manage the critical inputs and comprehend dispatch outcomes. This article explains the key inputs...
An article today referencing the VEPC paper 'No longer lost in transmission' (about extended VNI-West, and the authors proposed alternative 'Plan B') and the AEMO's initial response.
One year on from a market-wide suspension, Dan Lee provides a review of Q2 prices for 2023 so that we can examine some of the longer-term price trends.
The 'Australian Energy Week' conference this week in Melbourne, and the NEM this evening has given a real-time example of some energy transition challenges.
A quick note at another research paper (focused on an area of interest to us) that's crossed our field of vision.
In conjunction with the analysis done to complete GenInsights Quarterly Update for Q1 2023 (released today), here's 14 years of daily data of 'Aggregate Scheduled Target' that might...
Today (Tue 23rd May) is the go-live date for AEMO's EMMS v5.2 - which will contain new data for some market enhancements. Here's a quick look at where...
With completion of GenInsights Quarterly Update for Q1 2023 approaching, and following some conversations recently (and probably this week at EUAA Conference) here are two charts looking backwards...
New guest author, Ryan Esplin progressively builds a more precise model of the NEMDE dispatch process to illustrate why the stylised 'Merit Order' bid stack model is increasingly...
During early morning Monday 1st May prices spiked in the NSW quite unexpectedly. Guest author Allan O'Neil takes us into the complexities of the EMMS and NEMDE to...
Tristan Edis from Green Energy Markets takes a deep dive into generator performance across the NEM. He provides his take on which wind and solar farms have outperformed...