Buckle in folks, Friday afternoon/evening might be a bit bumpy
Published at 12:02, this is a view looking forward to the expected (very high) peak in electricity demand across the NEM this evening.
Published at 12:02, this is a view looking forward to the expected (very high) peak in electricity demand across the NEM this evening.
A brief overview of a stressful afternoon/evening in the NEM, where a confluence of events (heatwave-driven high demand, low wind, coal unit trip, etc...) drive LOR2 low reserve...
A quick look (ahead of time) at what looks set to be a very high level of electricity demand right across the NEM tomorrow evening, Friday 31st January...
Comments by the Brett Redman (CEO of AGL Energy) about the poor performance of Liddell Power Station, as reported in the media, prompted me to open up the...
Using the (hot off the press) Generator Statistical Digest 2019, we take a look across all 304 DUIDs to see how they performed through calendar 2019 in terms...
We've been appreciating the early orders flowing in from those who did not wait until the release of the GSD2019, and we're pleased to announce that this new...
Jonathon Dyson, Director of Greenview Strategic Consulting and co-developer of the Generator Statistical Digest 2019, uses insights from the GSD to illustrate the nuances of generation in the...
Guest author, David Leitch, in his first article here on WattClarity, walks through some of what first jumps out to him in his initial review of the Generator...
Guest author, Ben Willacy, takes a first look at the Generator Statistical Digest 2019 and highlights a few initial observations relating to the performance of wind, solar and...
Guest author, Allan O'Neil, takes a look, via the GSD2019 (released today), at the four different headwinds facing solar farm developers and operators operating in the NEM.
Today I managed to get about half-way (only!) through some analysis I wanted to do to 'scratch that itch' about what happened in the NSW Region on Thursday...
A quick 2nd article today looking at how Reserve Trader was dispatched (and a couple other complexities)
Not looking crash hot for the NSW region this afternoon...
This afternoon saw the Queensland Scheduled Demand peak at 9,657MW - under 400MW off the all-time record set in February 2019.
It was first day back after a couple days away yesterday – and I am mostly focused on completing the Generator Statistical Digest 2019 (for a scheduled release...
Following yesterday's dust storms, today's rain (and hail) also sweep through NSW to dampen production from solar farms - small and large.
A brief (initial?) look at the impact of yesterday's dust storm on the output of NSW large-scale solar farms - particularly Nyngan Solar Farm
Two earlier articles today prompt this follow-on piece, specifically focusing on what's being requested by ERM Power in two separate rule change requests relating to the MT PASA...
Perhaps missed amongst all the bushfire-related action in the NEM, the SA Minister for Energy last week initiated the Retailer Reliability Obligation. Guest author Allan O’Neil tries to...
The ongoing (second) outage at Loy Yang A unit 2 is a timely reminder of the need to progress the 2 rule change proposals submitted by ERM Power...