Brief (55 minute) Market Suspension on 17th March 2023 in NSW due to service interruption of SCADA systems
A just-announced AEMO market notice has declared a temporary suspension of the NSW market.
Collections of events that we see happening in the NEM, categorised in terms of the seasons in which they occur.
A just-announced AEMO market notice has declared a temporary suspension of the NSW market.
Looks like a new all-time record for Operational Demand in the QLD region early this evening, Friday 17th March 2023.
Following last night’s market volatility, QLD’s total demand is currently forecast to go beyond its highest recorded point.
Looks like we’ve (sort of) dodged the Reserve Trader bullet on Thursday evening 16th March 2023 … but still poses plenty of questions.
Second post for this afternoon/evening following AEMO announcement to commence RERT Negotiations for this evening in NSW.
Some late hot weather (in Autumn 2023) is providing for some activity in the market
From 08:00 (NEM time) this morning, the old ‘X5 constraint’ (i.e. formerly formally known as ‘N^^N_NIL_3’) has been split into two (i.e. addressing separately risk of tripping of either/both Bendigo to Kerang 220kV line and Bendigo to Shepparton 220kV line). Here’s a first quick look…
In Part 1 of this Case Study, we start to look at the large collective under-performance across all Semi-Scheduled units (i.e. Wind and Large Solar) at 17:05 on 27th October 2022. More to come in subsequent parts…
A short note following on from the Scheduling Error experienced by AEMO on 10th August 2022.
On Monday afternoon 6th March 2023 a late burst of summer in NSW has driven Market Demand above 13,000MW.
Could be a hot one in (Sydney and) NSW on Monday 6th March 2023 … with AEMO forecasting potential LOR2 low reserve condition.
Following recent online discussions, Bruce Miller has produced this in-depth analysis of frequency behavior in th NEM.
On Thursday 23rd February, hot weather in SA drove ‘Market Demand’ to its highest level in just over 9 years, and delivered a bit of spot price volatility. We investigate….
A quick post about some evening volatility in VIC and SA
A quick look at how Market Demand peaked on a hot Sunday afternoon/evening in QLD.
Estimated RERT costs published, pushing past the market price cap for dispatched volumes.
Prices have subsided somewhat at the time of publication, but here’s a record of some volatility earlier this evening in South Australia.
Dan Lee tracks the demand forecasts against the actual outcome in QLD last Friday afternoon. The final result was as much as ∼1,000MW lower than the maximum forecast of demand published by the AEMO, which alludes to the inherent difficulty of electricity market forecasting.
The forecast for Friday (3 February 2023) evening’s demand was that a new all-time maximum would occur and a lack of reserve was expected. To maintain the grid in a reliable operating state AEMO signaled to the market that the…
(Not even) close … but no cigar. Actual level of Market Demand in QLD for 17:30 is about 10% below what the most extreme forecast thought it might be.