AER published ‘Semi-Scheduled Generator Compliance Bulletin and Checklist’
A short article about the AER's publication (on 1st July 2022) of some updated information to help Semi-Scheduled generators understand their obligations.
A collation of articles here pertaining to energy literacy.
A short article about the AER's publication (on 1st July 2022) of some updated information to help Semi-Scheduled generators understand their obligations.
To mark the end of the financial year, Dan Lee writes this explainer about MLFs and gives some examples of noticeable long-term MLF trends within the NEM.
Second (linked) article this evening, spelling out the two theories we're aware of with respect to why some participants might have withdrawn capacity from the NEMDE dispatch/pricing run...
With Market Suspension (just) behind us, in this weekend article we take a look over the past 16 days to see how volumes offered to the market from...
Marcelle explores how settlement prices are set and how dispatch is operating during the current market suspension.
Broader discussions about the '2022 Energy Crisis', and the specific discussion this afternoon for the EUAA Electricity Committee prompted us to publish (in full) Key Observation #5 of...
Limits on interconnectors play a key role in setting regional prices in the NEM. Marcelle finds a number of traps when interpreting the market data.
A question on Twitter from Benny Beatts (about dispatch of Origin's Eraring unit 2 on Monday 30th May) illustrates why price setting is not as simple as adding...
Marcelle explores the little-understood concept in NEM dispatch of the tie-break principle, using the new 'Constraint Dashboard' widget in ez2view.
With the release of the Generator Statistical Digest 2020, Marcelle Gannon takes a look at how it can be useful for identifying and exploring different patterns of generation.
This is the fourth of a short series of video snippets extracted from the 17th September 2020 presentation by Marcelle Gannon and Jonathon Dyson for the Clean Energy...
This is the third of a short series of video snippets extracted from the 17th September 2020 presentation by Marcelle Gannon and Jonathon Dyson for the Clean Energy...
On 25th November, guest author Allan O'Neil examined the 'X5 Constraint'. Two weeks of operation have passed, so now Allan reviews some of what's happened.
This is the second of a short series of video snippets extracted from the 17th September 2020 presentation by Marcelle Gannon and Jonathon Dyson for the Clean Energy...
This is the first of a short series of video snippets extracted from the 17th September 2020 presentation by Marcelle Gannon and Jonathon Dyson for the Clean Energy...
Given the great interest in the new 'X5 constraint', guest author, Allan O'Neil, has invested some time to pick the new constraint equation to understand (and then explain)...
Paul McArdle recently drew my attention to a short Twitter thread started by David Osmond on the arcane topic of NEM system frequency behaviour: At Paul’s invitation...
From a longer article by guest author Stephen Wilson titled 'Does the NEM need to be redesigned?' we have extracted Stephen's reminder that 'The Market means different timescales'.
Curtailment seems like a simple concept, until you look closely at the details. In this article, Marcelle looks at how to estimate curtailment at wind and solar farms...
Guest author, Warwick Foster, discusses the different methods in which generators may hedge in the NEM