Forecast supply-demand for NSW for Thursday evening 14th December 2023 remains tight
An updated view of the forecast for a tight supply-demand balance for tomorrow (Thu 14th Dec 2023) in NSW.
An updated view of the forecast for a tight supply-demand balance for tomorrow (Thu 14th Dec 2023) in NSW.
Some volatility in QLD and NSW on Tuesday 5th December 2023.
Tuesday 19th September 2023 and the Bureau of Meteorology has declared that El Niño and a positive Indian Ocean Dipole (IOD) are underway
One observation about the 2023 ESOO is that AEMO is now modelling (more accurately) the high temperature degradation on wind farm performance.
A quick look at how Market Demand peaked on a hot Sunday afternoon/evening in QLD.
AEMO starts the Reserve Trader process for the QLD region this evening (Fri 3rd Feb 2023).
A quick article for Friday (3rd Feb 2023) morning, looking ahead to this evening and what AEMO's current forecasts are saying for this evening.
Second article (on Tuesday 31st Jan 2023) looking forward towards a tight supply-demand balance forecast for the QLD region on Friday evening 3rd February 2023.
It's been quite quiet on a price alert front so far this summer ... here's one reason why.
An initial review of some (wholesale) supply-side factors contributing to the extreme price volatility (and Reserve Trader etc) that occurred in the first week of February 2022 in...
A very brief look at the first significant price spike in QLD on Tuesday 2nd February 2022.
A quick look at how QLD's Wind Farms performed today ... Tuesday 1st February 2022.
Here's just a couple of the strange things that are going on in the NEM this afternoon ... particularly in QLD and NSW
Adding into the tight supply-demand dynamic, the coal-fired unit Tarong unit 2 tripped this afternoon.
Third article already today ... this one about AEMO and Reserve Trader in the NSW region.
A short morning article, looking forwards to this evening's forecast tight supply/demand balance (and possible load shedding) in the QLD region.
Hot on the heels of Monday evening's volatility, the AEMO has forecast LOR3 Low Reserve Condition (i.e. load shedding) might be possible in QLD on Tuesday evening.
A short (and first) look at some of the market activity on a volatile evening in several regions - SA and VIC, and with QLD joining the fray...
A couple SMS alerts to AEMO Market Notices speaking about 'LOR3' Low Reserve Condition warnings (i.e. controlled 'load shedding') spiked my interest, so I took a look on...
Referencing back to the AEMO's Summer Readiness Plan (for summer 2021-22) published on Friday 3rd December 2021.