NEM-wide market demand indeed peaks at a four-year high on Monday afternoon, 16th Dec 2024
NEM-wide market demand peaked at a four-year high on Monday afternoon, landing at 33,674 MW during the 17:30 dispatch interval.
NEM-wide market demand peaked at a four-year high on Monday afternoon, landing at 33,674 MW during the 17:30 dispatch interval.
A short article looking back over 2 months of summer 2023-24 (to date) to what levels have been attained for NEMwide 'Market Demand'
Looking back at yesterday (Sun 1st Oct 2023) it appears to also have seen a lowest point for NEM-wide demand by both measures ... lower than the low...
With Brisbane feeling more like a 'normal' summer in recent days, we took a look at the demand forecast for the coming week.
It's been quite quiet on a price alert front so far this summer ... here's one reason why.
On Sunday 6th November 2022 the NEMwide demand dropped below previous 'lowest point' records.
A short article on Sunday 25th September 2022 to record some new low points for 'minimum demand' in the NSW region, and on a NEMwide basis.
Capping off a weekend of new low points for minimum demand in NSW, and NEM-wide (and some near misses elsewhere) this table sums up where the low points...
Slightly later than happened for the NSW region, here's the stats for the large reduction for 'minimum demand' on a NEM-wide basis for Sunday 17th October 2021
A short note to recognise that the 'low point record' has been nudged lower on several fronts already (Sun 17th Oct) ... and forecast to drop further still
Looks like Sunday 17th October will be an interesting day, with a new 'record low' for Operational Demand on a NEM-wide basis forecast by AEMO!
In addition to being a low point for Scheduled Demand and Operational Demand in the QLD region, it was also the case on a NEM-wide basis.
Day-ahead demand forecasts will be integral to any future 'Ahead Market'. We take a look at the current state and accuracy trend of demand forecasts made 24 hours...
A quick look (ahead of time) at what looks set to be a very high level of electricity demand right across the NEM tomorrow evening, Friday 31st January...
By now our schools are full again, and businesses are back at work – so it is timely to review how electricity demand in the NEM trended through...