Three of the common building blocks within the National Electricity Market
This article is a first step into exploring some of the complexities within three of the commonly used time-steps across the NEM.
A collation of articles tagged with ‘4-second SCADA data’, most of which would relate to a variety of analysis of the AEMO’s 4-second SCADA data.
… note that this is an incomplete list, as sometimes we forget to add the tag.
In particular, you might find:
1) the article ‘Three of the common building blocks within the National Electricity Market’ of some relevance.
2) plus others categorised as pertaining to ‘4-second SCADA data’.
This article is a first step into exploring some of the complexities within three of the commonly used time-steps across the NEM.
In this article we look again at Tuesday 13th February 2024 (Victoria's ‘Major Power System Event’) and sum up the impact of the event on net exports from...
Seven days ago, AEMO notified the market of a Scheduling Error from 24th Jan 2024 to 7th March 2024. A client asked us what it meant - so...
In this article we circle back to Tuesday 13th February 2024 to tick off a few more of the long list of questions about the 'Major Power System...
A short article sharing the trend of 4-second data for Berrybank 1 and Berrybank 2 Wind Farms on Tue 13th Feb 2024.
Following the review of bidding in VIC on Tue 13th Feb 2024, this review of the 4-second data for VIC on the day reveals another 28 Observations/Questions to...
A first article from me after starting to delve into a 14-hour time series of AEMO's 4-second data for Tuesday 13th February 2024 (this one a trend of...
It's now seven months since the SCADA outage on Sunday 24th January 2021 - and we're finally able to complete and publish this (quite long) article exploring some...
A deeper look at the frequency data (our own, and also from some others) reveals a number of other interesting things about what happened on Tuesday 25th May...
Two months ago prices spiked in QLD on a Sunday afternoon when AEMO lost SCADA data feed. One month ago AEMO published a preliminary report. In the background...
Paul McArdle recently drew my attention to a short Twitter thread started by David Osmond on the arcane topic of NEM system frequency behaviour: At Paul’s invitation...
A detailed look at two specific trading periods in the day (Tuesday 24th July 2018) that saw negative dispatch prices occur at the start of trading periods -...
Following on from Saturday's islanding event, we use our current interest in AEMO's 4-second SCADA data to prove a little more...
Understanding the FCAS response by all generators when a unit trips in the NEM. A detailed look at the Loy Yang A unit trip in December 2017 and...