I’ve made this comment several times recently with respect to the growing number of Case Studies we’re preparing (some of which we’re posting online via WattClarity). To avoid repeating myself in future, I’ve lifted out these two big reasons into this separate short article:
(A) Two big reasons
These are the two primary reasons why we’re creating, and then posting, these Case Studies:
Audience #1 Users of our ez2view software application – who seek to use the software to produce their own insights | Audience #2 WattClarity Readers – who appreciate the insights freely shared on this information site |
Our prime focus is* our growing group of licensees to our ez2view software (the higher-end dashboard we provide to a growing number of Scheduled or Semi-Scheduled Generators operating in the market – amongst others).
* when I say “is” what I really mean is “must be” as these clients are the means by which we have the wherewithal to share some insights more broadly on WattClarity. It’s software that’s unashamedly focused on the physical market – focused on providing answers to questions like ‘why did that happen?’ We’ve invested $MIllions in R&D for ez2view in prior years, and investment path that will continue into the future as the level of complexity facing wholesale market participants continues to grow. As an outcome of the rapid/iterative development principles we’re operating under, we are producing several new ‘Bleeding Edge’ versions of the ez2view software every week. Part of this rapid development process is that we observe, tag, and then later analyse “interesting” events in the NEM through process such as Case Studies like these. These Case Studies and other pieces of Forensic Analysis help us to explore the degree to which our software helps to make levels of complexity clearer, and understandable. |
As the energy transition continues to progress, we see a growing number of new entrants begin operations as generators in the NEM, or (further upstream) investigate possibilities to develop their own generation.
A number of these new entrants are coming onboard as clients (e.g. to use our ez2view software when operational, or more generally with our Generator Report Card 2018 and other products, and we’re intrigued by the prospects of other new ventures we’re involved with). However that is only a subset of the rapidly expanding number of organisations and individuals who are taking an increasingly close look at the National Electricity Market – with a broader group of people subscribing for update from WattClarity on days where new articles are published here. Given that we’re investing considerable effort (including input from some on our Customer Advisory Board) to create these case studies as a way of exploring specific nuances in the NEM we want our software to provide clarity about (which will flow through to benefit our growing group of software licensees), we reasoned that we may as well publish some (but not all!) of these, in order to provide value to the WattClarity readership (a broader group of stakeholders). There can be an added benefit to us in publishing these Case Studies – hence we ask our readers to help us understand the extent to which this event (and the broader implications of events like this) are clearer as a result of the Case Study? |
When you read our analysis, please keep in mind that we’re juggling a couple different objectives – including these two big ones.
(B) Do you know of people who can help us with this?
As noted before, do you know of people who can help us?
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