Market Reform

Let’s Talk Losses

Guest author, Tom Geiser, discusses the different approaches to loss factors amid recent market proposals.

War of Losses

Some thoughts from Derek Chapman, from Adani Renewables, in conjunction with two rule change requests at the AEMC relating to Marginal Loss Factors.

Fast Frequency Service – Treating the symptom not the cause?

The National Electricity Market (NEM) is designed to operate at 50 Hz. Frequency deviation occurs when generation and load are mismatched. It is important in a lightly meshed and long network such as the NEM to maintain tight frequency control and that frequency response is available throughout the network.

Next Step for Smart Grid in Australia

It’s 18 months since the completion of the Smart Grid Smart City project – here’s some thoughts from one of the people who was very much involved in the project (a new guest author for us at WattClarity).

Puzzling through three rule change requests

Some ideas that I have been puzzling over – about the overlaps and contradictions between 3 rule changes under consideration at the AEMC currently
1) The Demand Response Mechanism (better known as the Negawatt buyback mechanism)
2) The Bidding in Good Faith deliberation
3) The Requirement for Price-Responsive (large) Demand to bid into central dispatch