‘Market Demand’ briefly peaks at a new all-time maximum in QLD (at 17:30 on Friday 19th January 2024)
A short article to record the new all-time maximum 'Market Demand' set today (Friday 19th January 2024) in Queensland
A short article to record the new all-time maximum 'Market Demand' set today (Friday 19th January 2024) in Queensland
A short note to help readers see what units are currently running on a hot & humid Friday afternoon 19th Jan 2024 in QLD (and to highlight some...
As the afternoon marches towards evening, the demand in Queensland is climbing (on Friday 19th January 2024)
This morning (in the article ‘Looking forward, to Monday 22nd January 2024 in Queensland’) I wrote about the forecast LOR2 condition that the AEMO was warning about at...
A quick look (Friday morning 19th January) towards Monday evening 22nd January 2024 in Queensland.
A short summation of where demand landed in QLD on Thursday evening 18th January 2024.
A third article (first on the day) looking at tight supply-demand balance in the QLD 'Economic Island' on Thursday 18th January 2024
A second article looking at forecast tight supply-demand balance in Queensland on Thursday 18th Jan 2024.
A short note about upcoming proceedings in the Federal Court (relating to Callide C3 and Callide C4) for next week.
A first article about forecast high temperatures (hence high demand, and also potentially LOR levels) for Queensland on Thursday 18th January 2024 ... and also Fri 19th and...
A short note (Monday 15th January 2024) about delays in return to service for both of Callide C3 and Callide C4 units.
The CleanCo CEO last week participated in a radio interview in which he provided details and a progress update on the long-term outage at Barron Gorge Hydro Station,...
This article (Part 3) follows on from Part 1 and Part 2, which looked at four successive trip/outage at Loy Yang A4 in recent days.
Following the 4th successive trip/outage at Loy Yang A4 in recent days - and updating Tuesday's earlier article.
An article from RenewEconomy alerts me to yesterday's fire at the (in commissioning) Mannum Solar Farm 2 in South Australia. We take a quick initial look.
A quick look at 3 successive trips at Loy Yang A4 in returning back from a recent forced outage.
A quick look back at Saturday 6th January 2024 in South Australia - and the case of an unforecast drop in 'Market Demand'
Guest author Allan O'Neil continues our series of posts on very low system demand levels in South Australia and Victoria on New Year's Eve, with a few unresolved...
Part 4 in a series today, about what happened in Victoria with minimum demand and warnings of possible intervention to *increase* demand.
Fourth article today, taking a quick look at neighbouring South Australia - which has also seen a new 'lowest ever' level of Market Demand.