EnergyAustralia notes the likely change of operating mode for Mt Piper coal-fired power station in NSW
Third article today looking back at news with respect to ‘coal closure’ … this article pertaining to EnergyAustralia’s Mt Piper station in NSW.
Third article today looking back at news with respect to ‘coal closure’ … this article pertaining to EnergyAustralia’s Mt Piper station in NSW.
Also in the past week, news media (claiming to have sighted some of the ‘Electricity Supply and Reliability Check Up’ from MJA with respect to Eraring Power Station) report the potential extension of service.
An article at the end of the week in which AGL Energy announced the establishment of a Structured Transition Agreement (STA) with respect to Loy Yang A and the notice of closure for 30th June 2035.
A belated and back-dated article to point to the EnergyAustralia Media Release of 7th August 2023 about the $400 million outage plans for Yallourn for 2023 and 2024.
Friday 14th July 2023 sees some media articles and commentary about several coal-fired generators running longer than previously thought, as the energy transition hits some speed bumps.
The ‘Australian Energy Week’ conference this week in Melbourne, and the NEM this evening has given a real-time example of some energy transition challenges.
In conjunction with the analysis done to complete GenInsights Quarterly Update for Q1 2023 (released today), here’s 14 years of daily data of ‘Aggregate Scheduled Target’ that might help to illustrate the aggregate requirement for fully dispatchable capacity of some type as the closure of coal accelerates into the future.
Guest author, Allan O’Neil, publishes some analysis for WattClarity on price and generation mix changes apparent in the NEM coincident with (but not wholly caused by) the closure of the last remaining units at Liddell Power Station.
With completion of GenInsights Quarterly Update for Q1 2023 approaching, and following some conversations recently (and probably this week at EUAA Conference) here are two charts looking backwards just at fully dispatchable plant that highlight one of the ways in which ‘the level of risk in the NEM is escalating’.
During early morning Monday 1st May prices spiked in the NSW quite unexpectedly. Guest author Allan O’Neil takes us into the complexities of the EMMS and NEMDE to help us understand the mechanics of how this happened.
Liddell Unit 1 ramped down it’s output to 0MW at roughly 10:30am this morning, signaling the full retirement of Liddell Power Station.
As many know, Liddell Unit 1 is slated to close today (the last of the 4 units), Friday 28th April. Unfortunately coincident with that, AEMO is forecasting LOR2 low reserve condition for the middle of the afternoon tomorrow, Saturday 29th April 2023.
A short article to mark the closure of Liddell unit 2 on Wednesday evening, 26th April 2023.
A quick note to show the last dispatch interval of output from Lidell Unit 4, with the two remaining units slated to follow suit in the coming days.
Latest data from AEMO (from Fri 14th April) suggests Liddell unit 4 might close a couple days later than when we’d looked in February.
Around eight days till the scheduled closure of Liddell’s next-to-close unit (and prompted by an article in the AFR), we take a quick look at how they’ve been bidding.
Given the significance of the event (Reserve Trader almost triggered on Thursday 16th March – 34 days till the closure of Liddell Unit 4) we’re investing some time in exploring more detail of the event. This is Part 1.
Prompted by the massive loss reported by CLP for its EnergyAustralia business, and plans for major outages for 4 units at Yallourn, we took a quick look using ez2view at outage plans.
Drawing from GenInsights Quarterly Update for Q4 2022, and the next version of our ez2view software, we take a look at the *current* expectations for closure of Liddell Power Station (within weeks) and Eraring Power Station (in 2025). A segue into this week’s update to the ESOO, perhaps?
Guest author, Allan O’Neil, takes the release of the GSD2022 as an opportunity to take a look at the past 10 years of performance of the four-unit Liddell Power Station (one unit closed in 2022 and three to close soon in 2023), contrasting against two other black coal-fired stations.