WattClarity Deeper Insights



WattClarity® has been in operation since 2007, and the insights shared since then have been, and will continue to be, free to access.

At times, we’ve encountered complex questions that couldn’t be fully explored within a single post or group of posts. When deeper analysis is required, it occasionally evolves into more comprehensive reports, which we’ve published under the banner ‘WattClarity Deeper Insights. The table below lists these reports:


Report Description

Generator Statistical Digest 2024


Released on 6th February 2025.

The GSD2024 was released on Wednesday 6th of February 2025.

Building on the additional sections added to the GSD2023 the year before, this edition is even larger, due to the growth in the number of DUIDs operational in ENERGY and/or FCAS in the NEM.

One of the major changes in 2024 was the implementation of the IESS Rule Change that went live on 3rd June 2024, as a result of which batteries are now represented as a single DUID Bi-Directional Unit.

There’s further information provided here about the GSD2024.

Generator Statistical Digest 2023


Released 15th February 2024.

The GSD2023 was released on Thursday 15th February 2024.

The report was about 50% bigger than the GSD2022:

1)  In part because of more DUIDs operational into the energy market;

2)  But also because we’ve expanded the statistical focus (into all 10 x FCAS markets) and have included a particular focus on Semi-Scheduled assets.

Generator Statistical Digest 2022


Released 31st January 2023.

The GSD2022 was released on Tuesday 31st February 2023.

One notable difference from previous editions of the GSD, was that the GSD2022 covered the first full year of the NEM operating under Five Minute Settlement, which began on the 1st of October 2021.

GenInsights Quarterly Updates

Released between July 2022 and August 2024.

After the success of our GenInsights21 report, we decided to begin developing and delivering GenInsights Quarterly Updates — based on a desire from a small number of clients who requested that we:

1)  Update and extend some of the appendices from the original GenInsights21 report on a regular basis; and

2)  Present to them on a regular basis on a 1-on-1 basis.

These reports were published every quarter starting from Q2 2022. In mid-2024 we ceased this series of reports due to the increasing demands of our growing number of software clients.

Generator Statistical Digest 2021


Released 28th March 2022.

The GSD2021 was released on Monday 28th March 2022.

This was the third edition of the GSD, and importantly, this statistical digest complemented the extensive analysis that we published in our GenInsights21 report three months prior.

Generator Insights 2021


Released 15th December 2021.

GenInsights21 was released on Wednesday 15th December 2021.

The report was a 622-page

Generator Statistical Digest 2020


Released 1st February 2021.

The GSD2020 was released on Monday 1st February 2021.

This was the second edition of our GSD report, following the same format as the prior GSD2019, but updated for data up to 31 December 2020 – including all new units that entered the market through 2020.

Generator Statistical Digest 2019


Released 28th January 2020.

The GSD2019 was released on Tuesday 28th January 2020.

Following positive feedback about our GRC2018, we decided to follow that report on by developing a partial update (and extension) in the form of a ‘Generator Statistical Digest’. The GSD2019 was the first edition of this annual series, where for each operating unit in the NEM, we published:

1)  10 years worth of monthly performance metrics (up to 31st December 2019); and

2)  1 years worth of daily and montly detailed performance metric (focusing just on calendar year 2019)

Generator Report Card 2018


Released 31st May 2019.

The GRC2018 was released on Friday 31st May 2019.

After a mammoth investment of close to 10,000 hours, the Generator Report Card provided two core components of value:

1) ~180 pages of written analysis and insights, picking over some of the questions arising about various aspects of performance of our increasingly diverse fleet of generation assets.

2) ~330 pages of statistics – one page for every DUID (unit) that operated in the 10-year period to 31st December 2018.

Earlier reports

Summer 2012-13 was a particularly volatile period in the Queensland region of the NEM – for a number of overlapping reasons. We fielded a number of calls through from clients & other readers, asking us to help them understand what was happening.  A collection of articles were posted through the summer under this category.

Given the complexities involved we conducted detailed analysis and prepared a detailed 3-volume report – more information about this report is available here.

If you have more questions these reports, please drop us a line using this feedback form, remembering to provide us a phone number we can reach you on to follow up.