Do you know your obligations as a Semi-Scheduled Generator?
This is the first of a short series of video snippets extracted from the 17th September 2020 presentation by Marcelle Gannon and Jonathon Dyson for the Clean Energy...
This is the first of a short series of video snippets extracted from the 17th September 2020 presentation by Marcelle Gannon and Jonathon Dyson for the Clean Energy...
Today (Thu 19th Nov 2020) the AEMC published a draft ruling following the AER request for a rule change relating to Semi-Scheduled generators ... which itself followed from...
A brief note to inform readers that the AEMC is fast-tracking consideration of the AER's Proposed Rule Change on Semi-Scheduled assets ... but also to reinforce our view...
This 20th Case Study (the other side of the weekend to the 19th Case Study) in the series investigates one dispatch interval showing extreme Aggregate Under-Performance across all...
Following the consultation process conducted by the AER (stemming from their Issues Paper 3 months ago) the AER has today submitted a rule change request to the AEMC...
This 19th Case Study in the series investigates one dispatch interval showing extreme Aggregate Under-Performance across all Semi-Scheduled units on Friday 5th April 2019.
This 18th Case Study in the series investigates two separate dispatch intervals showing extreme collective under-performance across all Semi-Scheduled units on Monday 25th March 2019.
A quick look at this dispatch interval - as the 17th Case Study in the series looking at extreme results for Aggregate Raw Off-Target for all Semi-Scheduled DUIDs.
In a sneak preview of part of next Thursday's Clean Energy Council webinar, Marcelle compares the spot revenue performance of wind farms across the NEM.
This 16th Case Study in a series covers the first 'extreme event' into 2019 where there was an aggregate under-performance (compared to Target) across all Semi-Scheduled plant totaling...
Prompted, in part, by yesterday's record low for Victorian demand, today I have finished off my earlier review of what happened on Saturday 29th August (8 days earlier)...
Out of curiosity, and driven by questions received from several people, I've invested a bit of time today to delve further into the record low level of Scheduled...
This 15th Case Study is longer than the earlier 14 as it deals with 4 discrete instances of extreme level of collective under-performance, and 1 instance of over-performance,...
This is the 13th Case Study in this series (looking at each of 98 extreme incidents). We're looking at an event on 15th October 2018 that seems to...
This is the 13th Case Study in this series (looking at each of 98 extreme incidents). Note I have skipped 2 events earlier in 2018 and will come...
This is the 12th Case Study in this series (looking at each of 98 extreme incidents). This one is simpler than the 11th Case Study!
This is the 11th Case Study in a series (looking at extreme outcomes of Aggregate Raw Off-Target for Semi-Sched units). We've rolled into 2018, now and (coincidence?) this...
This 9th case study in this series advances us into October 2017, where we see another example of an extreme outcome for collective under-performance. Most notably this happens...
This 7th case study in a series takes a look at 1 of 3 dispatch intervals during 2016 that saw extreme under-performance (in aggregate) across all Semi-Scheduled plant.
This 6th case study in a series takes a look at only 1 of 5 Dispatch Intervals featuring over-performance in a total of 98 that saw extreme Aggregate...