RERT (Reserve Trader) dispatched in NSW on Tuesday evening 14th June 2022
A short note about RERT being dispatched in NSW on Tuesday evening 14th June.
A short note about RERT being dispatched in NSW on Tuesday evening 14th June.
A quick article about reserve trader for Tuesday 14th June 2022.
In what is a rapidly evolving situation, we see here another update from the AEMO ... extending forecast load shedding into NSW for tomorrow evening as well.
AEMO may well trigger Reserve Trader
In addition to this AEMC Rule Determination, I also noted that AEMO published this ‘RERT Contracted Report for 1st and 2nd February 2022’ back on 2nd March 2022:...
A quick look back at today (Tue 1st Feb) and look forward at tomorrow (Wed 2nd Feb).
Here's just a couple of the strange things that are going on in the NEM this afternoon ... particularly in QLD and NSW
The AEMO has activated/dispatched Reserve Trader for later this afternoon/evening in the QLD region - beginning at 17:00 NEM time
Third article already today ... this one about AEMO and Reserve Trader in the NSW region.
... and as a result of the forecast LOR3 tomorrow in QLD (Tue 1st Feb 2022), AEMO is commencing Reserve Trader negotiations.
A short note, following AEMO reporting estimated costs for RERT (Reserve Trader) on Tuesday 25th May 2021 in QLD.
Looks set to be a very tight supply/demand balance this evening in Queensland. Here's hoping everything goes right for the AEMO Control Room!
Third day in a row we see volatility in NSW (and QLD) ... and this afternoon AEMO contracts, and then dispatches, Reserve Trader in NSW
My participation in yesterday's session about ‘Energy Technology – performing under (heat) stress’, organised by the Australian Institute of Energy, was an opportunity to reflect on what I...
In order to help us (internally) map out all the different threads to explore in terms of what happened on Friday 31st January 2020 on a remarkable day...
Guest author, Allan O'Neil does a masterful job with limited time in reviewing some of the goings-on in the NEM (particularly VIC and SA) on Thursday 30th January...
A brief overview of a stressful afternoon/evening in the NEM, where a confluence of events (heatwave-driven high demand, low wind, coal unit trip, etc...) drive LOR2 low reserve...
Today I managed to get about half-way (only!) through some analysis I wanted to do to 'scratch that itch' about what happened in the NSW Region on Thursday...
A quick 2nd article today looking at how Reserve Trader was dispatched (and a couple other complexities)
Not looking crash hot for the NSW region this afternoon...