After the storm: Looking at Q2 2023 price trends, one year on from an Energy Crisis
One year on from a market-wide suspension, Dan Lee provides a review of Q2 prices for 2023 so that we can examine some of the longer-term price trends.
One year on from a market-wide suspension, Dan Lee provides a review of Q2 prices for 2023 so that we can examine some of the longer-term price trends.
After many years in a row, we return (in the midst of the '2022 Energy Crisis') to review the pricing patterns in the NEM and the WEM for...
As Q2 2021 unfolded, it seemed that there were many instances where prices spiked during evening demand peaks - and that wind output was low at the time....
Prompted by last Friday's publication of the AER's 'Wholesale Markets Quarterly' for Q2 2021, here's a tabulated summary of some of the contributing factors of spot price volatility...
Now making it 5 out of the past 6 years, we return to the analysis of electricity (spot and futures) pricing patterns for Q2 periods across the NEM...
An old adage runs that to eat an elephant, it’s best to proceed in small servings. With a very eventful Q2 in the NEM not yet finished, the...
The volatility that has been with us for weeks now (particularly QLD and NSW), and the dramas unfolding at Callide power station, prompted me to have a broader...
A year on from my review of "remarkable" prices seen in Q2 2016, I return to the same analysis and update for Q2 2017. Outcomes are even more...