When can we hope to see the return of some of these coal units?
A quick look (for Tue 14th June) of which of the coal units are expected to return to service in the coming week.
A quick look (for Tue 14th June) of which of the coal units are expected to return to service in the coming week.
Tweet at your own peril A quick mea culpa: after squinting at an ez2view layout early this morning I dashed off a tweet suggesting that six of AGL Energy’s eleven coal-fired generation units were offline – three at Bayswater, two…
Using some of the new widgets to be released in ez2view v9.4 we take a quick look at the extended outage of Swanbank E gas-fired power station.
With GenInsights21 released two weeks ago (and only yesterday all pre-orders and orders processed and invoices provided, as noted here) I’m catching up on a number of different things – actions I promised for clients, and also what’s been happening…
Following from the ESB’s Final Advice, and inspired by the one year anniversary of publications the MT PASA DUID Availability data sets by AEMO (thanks to the ERM-sponsored rule change) we take a quick look about both initiatives might mean for each other. More to come in GenInsights21, time permitting.
There’s been a 6-month delay in return to service expectation for the damaged Callide C4 unit.
More changes to retirement schedules in the market prompt me to power up the ‘MT PASA DUID Availability’ widget in ez2view once again…
Following Saturday’s review of changed expectations for Callide Power Station and Yallourn Power Station, I took a look at aggregate expectation by fuel type. Here’s a belated article with the results.
A media release by EnergyAustralia this afternoon (Tue 15th June) about Yallourn mine flooding prompts an updated look on Wattclarity…
A short note about some further delays in return to service for Callide B1 and C3 … though earlier return for B2
A back-dated article, looking back at the two ERM rule change requests which, when passed by the AEMC, had great effect in expanding transparency in the NEM in relation to generator availabilities from 20th August 2020.