demand forecast

Wrap-up of price spikes in November 2024

There have been about 10 occasions in the market’s history when the last week of November has led to extreme prices and this November, was no exception – Carl Daley of EnergyByte provides this wrap-up.

Forecasts pointing to record demand and other risks in QLD for Friday afternoon.. but caveats aplenty

Our fourth article looking forward to this Friday afternoon (3rd February 2023) in the Queensland region, where successive AEMO STPASA forecast data is showing considerable variability about what peak demand might be for the QLD region (it *might*, if predictions turn into reality, smash the prior all-time record). Dan Lee looks into how the demand forecast has been evolving and what to watch for this Friday afternoon.

Lets talk about demand

David Leitch of ITK Services examines how electricity is losing its share of energy consumption in Australia, while also looking at the main drivers behind lower electricity demand this Summer compared to the previous year.