The two, SA Government-owned, “Emergency Generators” produce first power whilst commissioning
The two emergency generators provide first power to the South Australian grid.
The two emergency generators provide first power to the South Australian grid.
A listing of key reports and analysis into the SA blackout of 28th September 2016.
The South Australian Blackout of 28th September 2016 is not as simple as it looks.
Some quick thoughts about Tesla's promise to "fix South Australia's power woes". Which specific problem is Tesla promising to fix?
Last Friday’s events took South Australia much closer to the brink of another Black System event than many seem to have realised
Here's an update on the situation in NSW
A look at the supply/demand fundamentals in South Australia and explaining why load shedding was initiated.
... whilst on the topic of load shedding, here's a warning for NSW on Friday afternoon.
Deja-vu all over again in South Australia this evening, with load shedding invoked due to climbing (hot-weather fuelled) demand, and insufficient local generation supplies.
Wind speeds up during the blackout of September 28th in South Australia
First attempt to try to piece together events leading up to the blackout in South Australia on Wed 28th September 2016
Power's out across South Australia on the afternoon of Wednesday 28th September
Recapping where the peak demand actually landed today, with the heatwave across southern Australia.
A quick look at how useful NEMMCO's PASA forecasts were, prior to the record levels of demand seen across the NEM on Thursday 29th January 2009
Summer 2008-09 is now well behind us, and there are a number of official reviews underway that will report back at some stage. Even so, we’ve been continuing...
One of 12 articles on the months past in the NEM. For January we revisit events such as the fires at Moomba in 2004 (which curtailed gas supplies...
Following from the blackout, several government bodies, and industry organisations completed reviews of the events leading up to the blackout. For completeness, these reports (at least, those we...
Our second review was prepared in conjunction with the release of NEM-Watch version 7 (including the new NEM-Watch portal at in March 2007.
Our first review, linked here, was prepared the night of the blackout itself, and provides a chronological history of events, as seen through the NEM-Watch™ application.
Note about the NOUS Group report on the blackout in Victoria of 16th January 2007