LOR2 notices continue to flash for NSW and QLD for this Thursday 7th Nov 2024
A quick look at market notices and our forecast convergence widget in ez2view, to check in with projected tight market conditions this coming Thursday in NSW and QLD.
A quick look at market notices and our forecast convergence widget in ez2view, to check in with projected tight market conditions this coming Thursday in NSW and QLD.
A quick look at our forecast convergence widget, with the AEMO currently forecasting an LOR2 in SA tomorrow evening.
Two AEMO market notices late this morning suggest that NSW and QLD are in for tight supply-demand later this week, with an LOR2 condition currently forecast in the...
A brief summary of how the LOR forecast for South Australia tomorrow evening (and later in the week) has evolved throughout today.
An update on our thinking about LOR forecasts, under these 'far from normal' current market conditions.
There's been some movement in AEMO's forecast Lack of Reserve positions for tomorrow (Thu 2nd June 2022) but the outlook still seems to be tight...
A quick look at the current forecast for tight supply-demand balance on Thursday evening 2nd June 2022
AEMO's Market Notice 96633 jumped off the page for us...
In addition to this AEMC Rule Determination, I also noted that AEMO published this ‘RERT Contracted Report for 1st and 2nd February 2022’ back on 2nd March 2022:...
Catching up on recent developments, this AEMC Rule Determination (enabling AEMO to deal with 'indistinct events') caught my eye.
A quick look back at today (Tue 1st Feb) and look forward at tomorrow (Wed 2nd Feb).
Third article already today ... this one about AEMO and Reserve Trader in the NSW region.
... and as a result of the forecast LOR3 tomorrow in QLD (Tue 1st Feb 2022), AEMO is commencing Reserve Trader negotiations.
A quick note about an actual LOR2 condition in the QLD region - Thursday 28th October 2021
A quick note on Tuesday evening, looking ahead to Thursday (10th June) with AEMO forecasting LOR2 in NSW with the cold snap, and enquiring about Generator Recall.
Looks set to be a very tight supply/demand balance this evening in Queensland. Here's hoping everything goes right for the AEMO Control Room!
Prompted by an SMS alert this evening, we take a look at the tight supply/demand balance currently forecast for the QLD region on Monday afternoon next week (30th...
Published at 12:02, this is a view looking forward to the expected (very high) peak in electricity demand across the NEM this evening.
Taking a quick look at what's forecast for the Victorian region tomorrow, with LOR2-level Low Reserve Condition forecast.
Yesterday, Tuesday 29 October 2019, AEMO issued a Market Notice requesting Generator Recall information from participants in the NSW region. This was issued at 15:27 on Tuesday 29...