Paul was one of the founders of Global-Roam in February 2000. He is currently the CEO of the company and the principal author of WattClarity. Writing for WattClarity has become a natural extension of his work in understanding the electricity market, enabling him to lead the team in developing better software for clients.
Before co-founding the company, Paul worked as a Mechanical Engineer for the Queensland Electricity Commission in the early 1990s. He also gained international experience in Japan, the United States, Canada, the UK, and Argentina as part of his ES Cornwall Memorial Scholarship.
A couple glimmers of hope spotted recently, that there might be some (belated) awareness that the current methods of support for 'anytime/anywhere energy' are not scalable, or sustainable.
Records continue to tumble in the off-season, with the rise of rooftop PV. Both South Australia and Whole-of-NEM hit new low points Sun 11th October 2020.
Only 52 days after I initially envisaged being able to have this article published, a couple things today have prompted me to post this drain-dump of concerns that...
This 20th Case Study (the other side of the weekend to the 19th Case Study) in the series investigates one dispatch interval showing extreme Aggregate Under-Performance across all...
Following the consultation process conducted by the AER (stemming from their Issues Paper 3 months ago) the AER has today submitted a rule change request to the AEMC...
This 19th Case Study in the series investigates one dispatch interval showing extreme Aggregate Under-Performance across all Semi-Scheduled units on Friday 5th April 2019.
A month on from the prior low point seen for Scheduled Demand (and Operational Demand) across Queensland in the middle of the day, the low point mark is...
This 18th Case Study in the series investigates two separate dispatch intervals showing extreme collective under-performance across all Semi-Scheduled units on Monday 25th March 2019.
A short article today, highlighting the release of this Amperon report for AEMO looking at the way in which the performance of some Large Solar Farms in the...
Short note to follow presentation by Marcelle Gannon and Jonathon Dyson on Thursday 17th Sept 2020 to an audience organised by Clean Energy Council (CEC).
A quick look at this dispatch interval - as the 17th Case Study in the series looking at extreme results for Aggregate Raw Off-Target for all Semi-Scheduled DUIDs.
This 16th Case Study in a series covers the first 'extreme event' into 2019 where there was an aggregate under-performance (compared to Target) across all Semi-Scheduled plant totaling...
This morning (Mon 7th Sept 2020) the ESB released its Discussion Paper into the design of NEM 2.0 - with 7 different work streams suggested (and submissions due...
Prompted, in part, by yesterday's record low for Victorian demand, today I have finished off my earlier review of what happened on Saturday 29th August (8 days earlier)...
Within the same 24 hour period as California again feels the stresses of its own extremes, we see that Victoria experiences the other side of this energy transition...
Out of curiosity, and driven by questions received from several people, I've invested a bit of time today to delve further into the record low level of Scheduled...
Have not checked thoroughly, but a quick scan suggests that the low point for Victorian Scheduled Demand at 13:05 today was a new record for minimum (daytime) demand....