What’s “Primary Frequency Response” and why does it matter anyway?
Paul McArdle recently drew my attention to a short Twitter thread started by David Osmond on the arcane topic of NEM system frequency behaviour: At Paul’s invitation...
Paul McArdle recently drew my attention to a short Twitter thread started by David Osmond on the arcane topic of NEM system frequency behaviour: At Paul’s invitation...
Guest author Stephen Wilson chaired an 'ESIG Down Under' conference webinar on 'Designing the Energy Markets of the Future'. Whilst introducing the session, Stephen presented a diagram that...
A couple glimmers of hope spotted recently, that there might be some (belated) awareness that the current methods of support for 'anytime/anywhere energy' are not scalable, or sustainable.
Ben Skinner from the Australian Energy Council examines how transmission is currently funded in the NEM.
Short note to follow presentation by Marcelle Gannon and Jonathon Dyson on Thursday 17th Sept 2020 to an audience organised by Clean Energy Council (CEC).
David Leitch of ITK Services examines the seasonal effects of Variable Renewable Energy (VRE) and some underlying challenges in this energy transition [this article is based on presentation...
Prompted, in part, by yesterday's record low for Victorian demand, today I have finished off my earlier review of what happened on Saturday 29th August (8 days earlier)...
A question over the weekend prompts this article, which follows from discussions to a Vestas-organised audience about revenue patterns and trends for Wind Farms in the NEM.
Following on from Friday's article (which considered the AER Issues Paper) this article delves into more detail of those extremes of 'Aggregate Raw Off-Target' across all Semi-Scheduled units...
Marcelle digs into the data to find out what the real issues are in the AER's proposed rule change for semi-scheduled generators.
Spurred by a number of concurrent requests I've returned to the pattern of prior analysis of Q2 prices (completed in 2016, 2017 and 2018) to look at what's...
Ronald Brakels looks at the state of the home battery market and reflects on how past predictions of its evolution look in hindsight.
Yesterday I received a call from the people at PV Magazine who were preparing for the ‘Virtual Roundtables Europe 2020’ event on this week in Germany – i.e....
Just over 4 months have passed since the release of the Generator Statistical Digest 2019. We take a look back at some of the compliments and comments we've...
This is the 3rd of 4 Case Studies to follow on from the main article (summarising results across 105,120 dispatch intervals through 2019 for ‘all Coal’ and ‘all...
This is the 2nd of 4 Case Studies to follow on from Tuesday’s main article (summarising results across 105,120 dispatch intervals through 2019 for ‘all Coal’ and ‘all...
Following on from Tuesday's main article (summarising results across 105,120 dispatch intervals through 2019 for 'all Coal' and 'all Wind' groupings), this is the first of 4 x...
Guest author, Allan O'Neil, invests some time to explore a number of different aspects of Easter Saturday (11th April 2020), each noteworthy in their own right (including low...
Our guest author Stephen Sproul looks at how the Dalrymple Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), currently the only source of virtual inertia on the NEM, responded to the...
An article published by AEMC on the 'value of dispatchability' provided the spur to return to our intention of freely sharing insights gleaned from the Generator Statistical Digest...