Case Study Part 5 – Why did those constraint bind – in QLD on Tuesday 13th October 2020?
In part 5 of this expanding Case Study of the unexpected price spike on Tuesday 13th Oct, linked to a large & sudden drop in output across 10...
In part 5 of this expanding Case Study of the unexpected price spike on Tuesday 13th Oct, linked to a large & sudden drop in output across 10...
The prior record for 'minimum demand' in Victoria seems to have only lasted 8 short weeks, with the level nudged still lower on a sunny Sunday 1st November...
A brief note to inform readers that the AEMC is fast-tracking consideration of the AER's Proposed Rule Change on Semi-Scheduled assets ... but also to reinforce our view...
UQ's Andrew Wilson pens a case study on the market events that occured on Tuesday the 13th of October in the QLD region, in which he examines the...
Winding down through Beer O’clock at the end of a long week with the team and the buzzing of my phone distracts to a few successive price spikes...
On Thursday 22nd October, the AEMO also released a short document titled ‘Operational management of low demand in South Australia'.
In part 4 of this expanding Case Study of the unexpected price spike on Tuesday 13th Oct, linked to a large & sudden drop in output across 10...
Patricia Boyce' challenging question coincided with the low point of cyclic wind output across the NEM this afternoon, and prompted some thinking...
Patricia Boyce examines a chart that was included in the AEMO's Renewable Integration Study, which depicted actual and modelled solar and wind generation output against underlying demand. She...
In part 3 of this expanding Case Study of the unexpected price spike on Tuesday 13th Oct, linked to a large & sudden drop in output across 10...
From a longer article by guest author Stephen Wilson titled 'Does the NEM need to be redesigned?' we have extracted Stephen's reminder that 'The Market means different timescales'.
Guest author Stephen Wilson chaired an 'ESIG Down Under' conference webinar on 'Designing the Energy Markets of the Future'. Whilst introducing the session, Stephen presented a diagram that...
Based on some preliminary analysis of the Powerlink's 'Qdata' set (available in ez2view) we present our current hypothesis as to the sequence of the events yesterday in the...
Considerations on how key aspects of the upcoming wholesale mechanism might dictate how much response capability will be realised once the mechanism goes live before Summer 2021-22
Alerted to a price spike at 09:45 this morning in the QLD region, we discovered some reduction in load (spot-exposed Demand Response probably) and also a large collective...
A couple glimmers of hope spotted recently, that there might be some (belated) awareness that the current methods of support for 'anytime/anywhere energy' are not scalable, or sustainable.
Records continue to tumble in the off-season, with the rise of rooftop PV. Both South Australia and Whole-of-NEM hit new low points Sun 11th October 2020.
Ben Skinner from the Australian Energy Council examines how transmission is currently funded in the NEM.
Only 52 days after I initially envisaged being able to have this article published, a couple things today have prompted me to post this drain-dump of concerns that...
This 20th Case Study (the other side of the weekend to the 19th Case Study) in the series investigates one dispatch interval showing extreme Aggregate Under-Performance across all...